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  • By Year: 2024

38 Publication(s) Matched

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Neuenschwander, A., Duncanson, L., Montesano, P., Minor, D., Guenther, E., Hancock, S., Wulder, M. A., White, J. C., Purslow, M., Thomas, N., Mandel, A., Feng, T., Armston, J., Kellner, J. R., Andersen, H. E., Boschetti, L., Fekety, P., Hudak, A., Pisek, J., Sanchez-Lopez, N., Sterenczak, K. 2024. Towards global spaceborne lidar biomass: Developing and applying boreal forest biomass models for ICESat-2 laser altimetry data. Science of Remote Sensing. 10, 100150. doi: 10.1016/j.srs.2024.100150 ( Hudak (CMS 2018) )
Koontz, E. L., Parker, S. M., Stearns, A. E., Roberts, B. J., Young, C. M., Windham-Myers, L., Oikawa, P. Y., Megonigal, J. P., Noyce, G. L., Buskey, E. J., Derby, R. K., Dunn, R. P., Ferner, M. C., Krask, J. L., Marconi, C. M., Savage, K. B., Shahan, J., Spivak, A. C., St. Laurent, K. A., Argueta, J. M., Baird, S. J., Beheshti, K. M., Crane, L. C., Cressman, K. A., Crooks, J. A., Fernald, S. H., Garwood, J. A., Goldstein, J. S., Grothues, T. M., Habeck, A., Lerberg, S. B., Lucas, S. B., Marcum, P., Peter, C. R., Phipps, S. W., Raposa, K. B., Rovai, A. S., Schooler, S. S., Twilley, R. R., Tyrrell, M. C., Uyeda, K. A., Wulfing, S. H., Aman, J. T., Giacchetti, A., Cross-Johnson, S. N., Holmquist, J. R. 2024. Controls on spatial variation in porewater methane concentrations across United States tidal wetlands. Science of The Total Environment. 957, 177290. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177290 ( Holmquist (CMS 2018)   )  [quad chart]
Li, X., Wessels, K., Armston, J., Duncanson, L., Urbazaev, M., Naidoo, L., Mathieu, R., Main, R. 2024. Evaluation of GEDI footprint level biomass models in Southern African Savannas using airborne LiDAR and field measurements. Science of Remote Sensing. 10, 100161. doi: 10.1016/j.srs.2024.100161 ( Armston (CMS 2020), 1 citations )
Hurtt, G., Ma, L., Lamb, R., Campbell, E., Dubayah, R., Hansen, M., Huang, C., Leslie-Bole, H., Lister, A., Lu, J., Panday, F. M., Shen, Q., Silva, C., Tang, H. 2024. Beyond MRV: Combining remote sensing and ecosystem modeling for geospatial monitoring and attribution of forest carbon fluxes over Maryland, USA. Environmental Research Letters. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad9035 ( Hurtt (CMS 2020) )  [quad chart]
Ayasse, A. K., Cusworth, D. H., Howell, K., O'Neill, K., Conrad, B. M., Johnson, M. R., Heckler, J., Asner, G. P., Duren, R. 2024. Probability of Detection and Multi-Sensor Persistence of Methane Emissions from Coincident Airborne and Satellite Observations. Environmental Science & Technology. 58(49), 21536-21544. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.4c06702 ( Cusworth (CMS 2022) )  [quad chart]
Scarpelli, T. R., Cusworth, D. H., Duren, R. M., Kim, J., Heckler, J., Asner, G. P., Thoma, E., Krause, M. J., Heins, D., Thorneloe, S. 2024. Investigating Major Sources of Methane Emissions at US Landfills. Environmental Science & Technology. 58(49), 21545-21556. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.4c07572 ( Cusworth (CMS 2022) )  [quad chart]
Kennedy, R. E., Serbin, S. P., Dietze, M. C., Andersen, H., Babcock, C., Baker, D. F., Brown, M. E., Davis, K. J., Duncanson, L., Feng, S., Hudak, A. T., Liu, J., Patterson, P. L., Raczka, B., Cochrane, M. A., Sepulveda Carlo, E. A., Vargas, R. 2024. Characterizing and communicating uncertainty: lessons from NASA's Carbon Monitoring System. Environmental Research Letters. 19(12), 123003. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad8be0 ( Baker (CMS 2014)  Cochrane (CMS 2018)  Davis (CMS 2020)  Dietze (CMS 2016)  Dietze (CMS 2020)  Feng (CMS 2020)  Hudak (CMS 2018)  Hudak (CMS 2022)  Kennedy (CMS 2015)  Kennedy (CMS 2020)  Lin (CMS 2018)  Liu (CMS 2023) )  [quad chart]
Oikawa, P. Y., Sihi, D., Forbrich, I., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Najarro, M., Thomas, O., Shahan, J., Arias-Ortiz, A., Russell, S., Knox, S. H., McNicol, G., Wolfe, J., Windham-Myers, L., Stuart-Haentjens, E., Bridgham, S. D., Needelman, B., Vargas, R., Schafer, K., Ward, E. J., Megonigal, P., Holmquist, J. 2024. A New Coupled Biogeochemical Modeling Approach Provides Accurate Predictions of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes Across Diverse Tidal Wetlands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 129(10). doi: 10.1029/2023JG007943 ( Holmquist (CMS 2018)   )
Hunka, N., Duncanson, L., Armston, J., Dubayah, R., Healey, S. P., Santoro, M., May, P., Araza, A., Bourgoin, C., Montesano, P. M., Neigh, C. S. R., Grantham, H., Potapov, P., Turubanova, S., Tyukavina, A., Richter, J., Harris, N., Urbazaev, M., Pascual, A., Suarez, D. R., Herold, M., Poulter, B., Wilson, S. N., Grassi, G., Federici, S., Sanz, M. J., Melo, J. 2024. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 1 forest biomass estimates from Earth Observation. Scientific Data. 11(1). doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-03930-9 ( Duncanson (CMS 2022) )  [quad chart]
Delaria, E. R., Wolfe, G. M., Blanock, K., Hannun, R., Thornhill, K. L., Newman, P. A., Lait, L. R., Kawa, S. R., Alvarez, J., Blum, S., Castaneda-Moya, E., Holmes, C., Lagomasino, D., Malone, S., Murphy, D., Overbauer, S. F., Pruett, C., Serre, A., Starr, G., Szot, R., Troxler, T., Yannick, D., Poulter, B. 2024. Assessment of Landscape-Scale Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Subtropical Coastal Wetlands of South Florida. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 129(11). doi: 10.1029/2024JG008165 ( Wolfe (CMS 2023) )
Arias-Ortiz, A., Wolfe, J., Bridgham, S. D., Knox, S., McNicol, G., Needelman, B. A., Shahan, J., Stuart-Haentjens, E. J., Windham-Myers, L., Oikawa, P. Y., Baldocchi, D. D., Caplan, J. S., Capooci, M., Czapla, K. M., Derby, R. K., Diefenderfer, H. L., Forbrich, I., Groseclose, G., Keller, J. K., Kelley, C., Keshta, A. E., Kleiner, H. S., Krauss, K. W., Lane, R. R., Mack, S., Moseman-Valtierra, S., Mozdzer, T. J., Mueller, P., Neubauer, S. C., Noyce, G., Schafer, K. V. R., Sanders-DeMott, R., Schutte, C. A., Vargas, R., Weston, N. B., Wilson, B., Megonigal, J. P., Holmquist, J. R. 2024. Methane fluxes in tidal marshes of the conterminous United States. Global Change Biology. 30(9). doi: 10.1111/gcb.17462 ( Holmquist (CMS 2018)  , 4 citations )
Byrne, B., Liu, J., Bowman, K. W., Pascolini-Campbell, M., Chatterjee, A., Pandey, S., Miyazaki, K., van der Werf, G. R., Wunch, D., Wennberg, P. O., Roehl, C. M., Sinha, S. 2024. Carbon emissions from the 2023 Canadian wildfires. Nature. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07878-z ( Davis (CMS 2020), 12 citations )
Cavanaugh, K. C., Carroll, D., Bardou, R., Van der Stocken, T. 2024. Dispersal limits poleward expansion of mangroves on the west coast of North America. Ecography. doi: 10.1111/ecog.07288 ( Carroll (CMS 2022)   )  [quad chart]
Sitch, S., M. O’Sullivan, E. Robertson, P. Friedlingstein, C. Albergel, P. Anthoni, A. Arneth, V. K. Arora, A. Bastos, V. Bastrikov, N. Bellouin, J. G. Canadell, L. Chini, P. Ciais, S. Falk, I. Harris, G. Hurtt, A. Ito, A. K. Jain, M. W. Jones, F. Joos, E. Kato, D. Kennedy, K. Klein Goldewijk, E. Kluzek, J. Knauer, P. J. Lawrence, D. Lombardozzi, J. R. Melton, J. E. M. S. Nabel, N. Pan, P. Peylin, J. Pongratz, B. Poulter, T. M. Rosan, Q. Sun, H. Tian, A. P. Walker, U. Weber, W. Yuan, X. Yue, S. Zaehle. Trends and Drivers of Regional Scale Terrestrial Sources and Sinks of Carbon Dioxide: An overview of the TRENDY Project. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. (2024) doi: 10.1029/2024GB008102 ( Hurtt (CMS 2020), 4 citations )  [quad chart]
Arteaga, L. A., Rousseaux, C. S. 2024. Evaluation of Vertical Patterns in Chlorophyll-A Derived From a Data Assimilating Model of Satellite-Based Ocean Color. Earth and Space Science. 11(7). doi: 10.1029/2023EA003378 ( Arteaga (CMS 2022)   )  [quad chart]
Bruno, J. H., Jervis, D., Varon, D. J., Jacob, D. J. 2024. U-Plume: automated algorithm for plume detection and source quantification by satellite point-source imagers. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 17(9), 2625-2636. doi: 10.5194/amt-17-2625-2024 ( Jacob (CMS 2020) )
East, J. D., Jacob, D. J., Balasus, N., Bloom, A. A., Bruhwiler, L., Chen, Z., Kaplan, J. O., Mickley, L. J., Mooring, T. A., Penn, E., Poulter, B., Sulprizio, M. P., Worden, J. R., Yantosca, R. M., Zhang, Z. 2024. Interpreting the Seasonality of Atmospheric Methane. Geophysical Research Letters. 51(10). doi: 10.1029/2024GL108494 ( Jacob (CMS 2020) )
Vahsen, M. L., Todd-Brown, K. E. O., Hicks, J., Pilyugin, S. S., Morris, J. T., Holmquist, J. R. 2024. Cohort Marsh Equilibrium Model (CMEM): History, Mathematics, and Implementation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 129(4). doi: 10.1029/2023JG007823 ( Holmquist (CMS 2018)   )
Wei, X., Hayes, D. J., Butman, D. E., Qi, J., Ricciuto, D. M., Yang, X. 2024. Modeling exports of dissolved organic carbon from landscapes: a review of challenges and opportunities. Environmental Research Letters. 19(5), 053001. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad3cf8 ( Hayes (CMS 2020), 1 citations )  [quad chart]
Pereira, H. M., Martins, I. S., Rosa, I. M. D., Kim, H., Leadley, P., Popp, A., van Vuuren, D. P., Hurtt, G., Quoss, L., Arneth, A., Baisero, D., Bakkenes, M., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Chini, L., Di Marco, M., Ferrier, S., Fujimori, S., Guerra, C. A., Harfoot, M., Harwood, T. D., Hasegawa, T., Haverd, V., Havlik, P., Hellweg, S., Hilbers, J. P., Hill, S. L. L., Hirata, A., Hoskins, A. J., Humpenoder, F., Janse, J. H., Jetz, W., Johnson, J. A., Krause, A., Leclere, D., Matsui, T., Meijer, J. R., Merow, C., Obersteiner, M., Ohashi, H., De Palma, A., Poulter, B., Purvis, A., Quesada, B., Rondinini, C., Schipper, A. M., Settele, J., Sharp, R., Stehfest, E., Strassburg, B. B. N., Takahashi, K., Talluto, M. V., Thuiller, W., Titeux, N., Visconti, P., Ware, C., Wolf, F., Alkemade, R. 2024. Global trends and scenarios for terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to 2050. Science. 384(6694), 458-465. doi: 10.1126/science.adn3441 ( Hurtt (CMS 2020), 24 citations )  [quad chart]
Nesser, H., Jacob, D. J., Maasakkers, J. D., Lorente, A., Chen, Z., Lu, X., Shen, L., Qu, Z., Sulprizio, M. P., Winter, M., Ma, S., Bloom, A. A., Worden, J. R., Stavins, R. N., Randles, C. A. 2024. High-resolution US methane emissions inferred from an inversion of 2019 TROPOMI satellite data: contributions from individual states, urban areas, and landfills. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 24(8), 5069-5091. doi: 10.5194/acp-24-5069-2024 ( Jacob (CMS 2020), 10 citations )
Sherwin, E. D., Rutherford, J. S., Zhang, Z., Chen, Y., Wetherley, E. B., Yakovlev, P. V., Berman, E. S. F., Jones, B. B., Cusworth, D. H., Thorpe, A. K., Ayasse, A. K., Duren, R. M., Brandt, A. R. 2024. US oil and gas system emissions from nearly one million aerial site measurements. Nature. 627(8003), 328-334. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07117-5 ( Duren (CMS 2018), 34 citations )
Cusworth, D. H., Duren, R. M., Ayasse, A. K., Jiorle, R., Howell, K., Aubrey, A., Green, R. O., Eastwood, M. L., Chapman, J. W., Thorpe, A. K., Heckler, J., Asner, G. P., Smith, M. L., Thoma, E., Krause, M. J., Heins, D., Thorneloe, S. 2024. Quantifying methane emissions from United States landfills. Science. 383(6690), 1499-1504. doi: 10.1126/science.adi7735 ( Cusworth (CMS 2022)  Duren (CMS 2018), 16 citations )  [quad chart]
Byrne, B., Liu, J., Bowman, K. W., Yin, Y., Yun, J., Ferreira, G. D., Ogle, S. M., Baskaran, L., He, L., Li, X., Xiao, J., Davis, K. J. 2024. Regional Inversion Shows Promise in Capturing Extreme-Event-Driven CO2 Flux Anomalies but Is Limited by Atmospheric CO2 Observational Coverage. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 129(6). doi: 10.1029/2023JD040006 ( Davis (CMS 2020) )  [quad chart]
Foster, K. T., Sun, W., Shiga, Y. P., Mao, J., Michalak, A. M. 2024. Multiscale assessment of North American terrestrial carbon balance. Biogeosciences. 21(3), 869-891. doi: 10.5194/bg-21-869-2024 ( Andrews (CMS 2016)  , 1 citations )  [quad chart]
Le, V. H., Vargas, R. 2024. An autocorrelated conditioned Latin hypercube method for temporal or spatial sampling and predictions. Computers & Geosciences. 184, 105539. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105539 ( Vargas (CMS 2020), 3 citations )
Abdaki, M., Sanchez-Azofeifa, A., Vargas, R., Ludwig, R., Hamann, H. F. 2024. Spatial and temporal variation of three Eddy-Covariance flux footprints in a Tropical Dry Forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 345, 109863. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109863 ( Vargas (CMS 2020), 3 citations )
Le, V. H., Vargas, R. 2024. Beyond a deterministic representation of the temperature dependence of soil respiration. Science of The Total Environment. 912, 169391. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169391 ( Vargas (CMS 2020), 5 citations )
Zheng, T., Feng, S., Steward, J., Tian, X., Baker, D., Baxter, M. 2024. Development of the tangent linear and adjoint models of the global online chemical transport model MPAS-CO2 v7.3. Geoscientific Model Development. 17(4), 1543-1562. doi: 10.5194/gmd-17-1543-2024 ( Feng (CMS 2020), 1 citations )
Yuan, K., Li, F., McNicol, G., Chen, M., Hoyt, A., Knox, S., Riley, W. J., Jackson, R., Zhu, Q. 2024. Boreal-Arctic wetland methane emissions modulated by warming and vegetation activity. Nature Climate Change. doi: 10.1038/s41558-024-01933-3 ( Zhu (CMS 2020)  , 8 citations )  [quad chart]
Hogan, J. A., Domke, G. M., Zhu, K., Johnson, D. J., Lichstein, J. W. 2024. Climate change determines the sign of productivity trends in US forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121(4). doi: 10.1073/pnas.2311132121 ( Davis (CMS 2020)  Saatchi (CMS 2015), 4 citations )  [quad chart]
Murray-Tortarolo, G., Perea, K., Mendoza-Ponce, A., Martinez-Arroyo, A., Murguia-Flores, F., Jaramillo, V. J., Serrano-Medrano, M., Garcia-Garcia, M., Vargas, R., Chatterjee, A., Michalak, A., Zhang, Z., Wang, J. A., Poulter, B. 2024. A Greenhouse Gas Budget for Mexico During 2000-2019. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 129(1). doi: 10.1029/2023JG007667 ( Chatterjee (CMS 2018)  Poulter (CMS 2020)  Vargas (CMS 2020)   )  [quad chart]
Braden, D., Mondal, P., Park, T., Alanis de la Rosa, J. A., Aldrete Leal, M. I., Cuenca Lara, R. A., Mayorga Saucedo, R., Paz, F., Salas-Aguilar, V. M., Soriano-Luna, M. D. L. A., Vargas, R. 2024. Estimating forest extent across Mexico. Environmental Research Letters. 19(1), 014083. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad193e ( Vargas (CMS 2020) )
Chen, Z., Balasus, N., Lin, H., Nesser, H., Jacob, D. J. 2024. African rice cultivation linked to rising methane. Nature Climate Change. doi: 10.1038/s41558-023-01907-x ( Jacob (CMS 2020), 12 citations )
Wesloh, D., Keller, K., Feng, S., Lauvaux, T., Davis, K. J. 2024. Temporal Error Correlations in a Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Model Derived by Comparison to Carbon Dioxide Eddy Covariance Flux Tower Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 129(1). doi: 10.1029/2023JG007526 ( Feng (CMS 2020) )
Stewart, A. J., Halabisky, M., Babcock, C., Butman, D. E., D'Amore, D. V., Moskal, L. M. 2024. Revealing the hidden carbon in forested wetland soils. Nature Communications. 15(1). doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-44888-x ( Moskal (CMS 2022)  , 12 citations )  [quad chart]
Kennedy, S., C. Wade, L. Ma, H. Leslie-Bole, C. Dahl, A. Favero, A. Zhao, K. Kennedy, A. Trivedi, S. Edelstein, A. Joel Canton, A. Denvir, K. Clark-Sutton, S. Wood, G. Hurtt, and N. Hultman (2024). “Harnessing the Land Sector to Achieve U.S. Climate Goals: An all-of-society approach to meeting our climate goals and bolstering the carbon sink by 2035.” Center for Global Sustainability, University of Maryland and America Is All In. 21 pp. ( Hurtt (CMS 2020) )  [quad chart]
Hurtt, G., Ma, L., Shen, Q. (2024) "Potential Pathways for Growing the Forest Carbon Sink." In Maryland's Climate Pollution Reduction Plan. Appendix Forestry and Land Use Sector Modeling. PDF ( Hurtt (CMS 2020) )  [quad chart]