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NASA Carbon Research Program Policy Speaker Series

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Tewodros Alemayehu GIS Analyst, Forests Ontario   June CMS Policy Speaker Series
Gianpaolo Balsamo Director, Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (G3W)   An Overview of The Global Greenhouse Gas Watch
Heriberto Padilla Ibarra, Guardian Forestal (NGO in Mexico)   Forest Guardian: Saving Mexico's Forests Using EO, Coding, and a Pinch of Legal Insights
Argyro Kavvada, U.S. GHG Center
Lesley Ott, NASA GSFC
Erin McDuffie, U.S. EPA  
Implementing the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center
Erica Smith, Community Forestry Manager, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation   Philly Tree Plan: Towards an Equitable Urban Forest
Sylvia Troost, Senior Manager, Conserving Marine Life in the United States, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Laura Brophy, Director of the Estuary Technical Group, Institute for Applied Ecology  
Integrating blue carbon into state climate planning and coastal management: overview, opportunities and needs
Dominick A. DellaSala, Chief Scientist Wild Heritage   Protecting mature and old-growth forests as natural climate solutions
Deborah Gordon Senior Principal, Climate Intelligence Program, RMI
Kenzie Huffman Director for Strategy and Partnerships, Carbon Mapper
Lekha Sridhar Senior Policy Analyst, WattTime  
How Will Next Generation Technology Affect Climate Talks?
Philip B. Duffy Climate Science Advisor, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
With Comments from:
Ken Jucks Program Manager, Upper Atmosphere Research Program NASA Earth Science Division, NASA HQ
Grace Hu (TBC) Office of Management & Budget (OMB), Science & Space Branch  
Federal Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Monitoring & Information System
Donald J. Wuebbles
Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Illinois; Director of Climate Science at Earth Knowledge  
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information for Decision Making: A Framework Going Forward
Julian Reyes
National Climate Hubs Coordinator
U.S. Department of Agriculture  
Building community and climate resilience with the USDA Climate Hubs
Frances Reuland, Senior Associate
Know your Oil and Gas with the OCI+ Web Tool: Climate Intelligence for the Petroleum Sector
Oleg Demidov, CEO
A satellite-powered technology to guide sustainability strategies in the food and forestry sectors
Jamie Collins, Bezos Earth Fund Fellow, Ocean Carbon Storage
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)  
Driving scientific consensus around ocean-based natural climate solutions
Fabian Reith, Postdoc in the Biogeochemical Modeling Group
GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel  
Towards the Global Atlas of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Negative Emission Technologies (NETs)
Jason Bordoff, Founding Director
Melissa Lott, Director of Research
Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University SIPA  
The Energy Transition in Perspective
Raymond Davis, Monitoring Lead - Older Forests & Spotted Owls, Pacific Northwest Region
Zhiqiang Yang, Computer Scientist at USFS Forestry Inventory & Analysis Program, Rocky Mountain Research Station
USDA Forest Service  
Searching for Sanctuary: Lining up old-growth forest and carbon reserves with fire refugia in a changing climate
Stephane Germain, President
GHGSat Inc  
Show Me the Data: Complementary Satellites are Providing Global Transparency in Methane Emissions - Now
Gianpaolo Balsamo, Team Leader for Coupled Processes
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
Philippe Ciais, Researcher
Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory (LSCE)  
Monitoring CO2 Anthropogenic Emissions with an Earth system approach
Kate Larsen, Director of Climate Change
Rhodium Group  
Show me the data: Renewed US climate ambition intensifies need for global emissions data
Ane Alencar, Director of Science, Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)
with comments from Paulo Moutinho, Distinguished Policy Fellow at Woodwell Climate Research Center & Senior Scientist at IPAM  
The root causes of Amazonia fires
Nancy Harris, Research Manager for Global Forest Watch
World Resources Institute
Susan Cook-Patton, Senior Forest Restoration Scientist
The Nature Conservancy  
Global maps of 21st century forest carbon fluxes; Nailing reforestation to the ground as a natural climate solution
Jack Lewnard, Program Director at Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), U.S. Department of Energy   ARPA-E proposed REMEDY Program: Prevention and Abatement of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions
Lauren Lurkins, Director of Environmental Policy, Illinois Farm Bureau   Illinois Farmer Views and Uses of CMS Data
Stephanie La Hoz Theuer, International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP)
Rajinder Sahota, Division Chief, Industrial Strategies Division, California Air Resources Board
Chris Hoagland, Climate Change Program Manager, Maryland Department of the Environment  
Emissions trading systems around the world and the role of satellite data
Zeke Hausfather, Climate Scientist and Energy Systems Analyst, Carbon Brief's climate science contributor   The role of carbon cycle feedback uncertainty in future concentration and warming outcomes
Lesley Ott, Research Meteorologist
Glen Peters, Research Director
Alden Meyer, Director of Strategy & Policy  
Special Virtual Panel: Covid-19 and Its Impact on Global Carbon Emissions
Alex Rudee, Associate, U.S. Climate Initiative, World Resources Institute (WRI)   CarbonShot: Policy Options for Carbon Removal in the U.S
Roger Sorkin, Founder & Executive Director, American Resilience Project   Wielding the Power of Strategic Narratives to Achieve Maximum Civilizational Security (and Communicate the Value of Science to Decision-makers)
Jae Edmonds, Chief Scientist and Battelle Fellow, PNNL Joint Global Change Research Institute   The Value of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement for Meeting Nationally Determined Contributions
David Reidmiller, Director, National Climate Assessment, U.S. Global Change Research Program   Climate Risks in America: Process and Findings from the Fourth National Climate Assessment
Steven Hamburg, Chief Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund   Methane emissions from the US Oil and Gas Supply Chain: Employing an unusual partnership to get rapid and comprehensive results
Deborah Gordon, Director, Energy and Climate Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace   Introducing the Oil Climate Index: Applying NASA's Satellite Data to Fill Gaps in Resource Decision-making
Lauren Fletcher, CEO & Founder, BioCarbon Engineering   Tree-planting Drone Technology for Global Scale Ecosystem Restoration
Lisa Hanle, Director of the MRV Support Program, GHG Management Institute   Building the People and Institutions needed for Greenhouse Gas Management
Jeff Allenby, Director of Conservation Technology, and Cassandra Pallai, Geospatial Program Manager, Chesapeake Conservancy   Enhancing Chesapeake Bay Restoration with High-Resolution Landscape Data
Walter Vergara, Senior Fellow & Forests and Climate Specialist, World Resources Institute (WRI)   Converting the Land Use sector in Latin America from a carbon source to a carbon sink
Charles Murphy, Manager, TreeBaltimore Nathan Randolph, GIS Specialist   The TreeBaltimore Partnership: Increasing Tree Canopy at the City Level
Brendan Shane, Regional Director for North America, C40 Cities   How C40 Cities are bringing cities and data together to build a climate-safe future
Kevin Brown, Senior Geospatial Analyst
Gabriel Sidman, Geospatial Analyst
Winrock International  
Putting data to work – challenges and practical approaches to bring remotely sensed data into land use planning in the developing world
Naomi Swickard, Director of Land-based Frameworks, VCS   Leveraging standards for greater impact: the need for measurable outcomes to drive incentives
Charlotte Streck, Co-founder and Director, and Stephanie Roe, Senior Land Use Consultant, Climate Focus   Evaluating progress on international climate change and land use commitments: Paris Agreement and the New York Declaration on Forests
Amy Morsch, Director of Sustainability and Engagement, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions    Reducing Carbon Emissions Through Local Climate Policy: Recent Progress and Persistent Challenges
Steve Crooks, Wetlands Science and Coastal Management Principal, Silvestrum Climate Associates   Experience bringing coastal wetlands to the U.S. GHG Inventory and carbon markets
Andres Espejo, Carbon Finance Specialist & Forests and Landscapes Team Member, The World Bank   Challenges and Opportunities in Monitoring of Emission Reductions in World Bank Land Use Carbon Finance Programs
Joan Maloof, Executive Director, Old-Growth Forest Network   Linking Remote Sensing and Carbon Research with Forest Protection
Doug Boucher, Scientific Advisor, Tropical Forests & Climate Initiative, Union of Concerned Scientists   Ending Deforestation, Increasing Reforestation and Transforming Agriculture: What We’ve Done, What We Plan, What We Need
Stefanie Simpson, Blue Carbon Coordinator, Restore America's Estuaries   Blue Carbon Market Opportunities and Science Needs
Nancy Harris, Research Manager for Global Forest Watch, World Resources Institute   Global Forest Watch Climate: Pixel perfection for carbon detection
Eleanor Milne, Modeling Component Coordinator for Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) Carbon Benefits Project, Colorado State University   The Carbon Benefits Project (CBP): Tools to estimate the climate change mitigation co-­benefits of land management projects
Naikoa Aguilar-Amuchastegui, Director of Forest Carbon Science, WWF   REDD+ MRV and reference levels: A synthesis of lessons learned
Phil DeCola, Chief Science Officer, Sigma Space Corporation   Progress toward an Integrated Global GHG Information System (IG3IS)
Everett Hinkley, National Remote Sensing Program Manager, US Forest Service Geospatial Management Office   Remote Sensing and Carbon Monitoring activities in the Forest Service
Leif Hockstad, Team Leader - US GHG Inventory, OAR - OAP Climate Change Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency   Monitoring and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Paris Agreement
Dwight Gledhill, Deputy Director, NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program   Ocean Acidification From Space
Anne Conor, Domestic and International Government Advocacy Manager, Harris Corporation   City Scale Carbon Monitoring in Paris: Implications for COP21 and Beyond
Christopher Hartley, Ph.D., Deputy Director and Senior Environmental Markets Analyst of USDA Office of Environmental Markets   Beyond Carbon: Wetlands, Water and Habitat Markets
Anna Ngai, Senior Program Manager, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI, Inc.)   Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: CO2 Allowance Tracking System (COATS)
Fred Lipschultz, Regional Coordinator for the National Climate Assessment and Senior Scientist at US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)   United States Global Change Research Program’s (USGCRP) role at the boundary of science advancement and application: Potential Interactions with CMS
Amy Holm, Director of Programs & Operations at The Climate Registry   The Registry’s MRV Process and Water- Energy GHG Protocol Development
Tom Wirth, GHG Inventory Coordinator - AFOLU at US EPA Climate Change Division   Challenges with Including Alaska in the GHG Inventory 
Ben Ratner, Senior Manager at Environmental Defense Fund   New and Future Developments in Methane Policy and Technology
Walter Vergara, Senior Fellow at World Resources Institute   The 20x20 Land Restoration Initiative in Latin America: Opportunity for Cooperation with NASA
Eric Schwaab, Senior VP/Chief Conservation Officer of the National Aquarium   Ocean Acidification Effects in Maryland Waters: Assessment, Findings and Recommendations
Kevin Townsend, Chief Commercial Officer, and Jeff Cole, Vice President of Portfolio Development, Blue Source   When New Carbon Markets and New Technologies Meet
Peter Claggett, U.S. Geographical Survey & Chesapeake Bay Program Office   Using Remotely Sensed Data to Inform Chesapeake Bay Restoration Policy Decisions
Marissa Paslick, Maryland Public Service Commission   The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: A Transparent, Simplistic, and Cost-Effective Approach to Reducing Power Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Tom Robinson and Karen Gaffney, Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District   Climate and Conservation: Tools and data at the scale of land use decision-making
Emily Pidgeon, Senior Director of Conservation International’s Strategic Marine Initiatives   Blue Carbon: A transformational tool for marine management and conservation globally
Christine Conn, Director of Integrated Policy and Review, and Rob Feldt, Forester, Maryland Department of Natural Resources   Maryland Department of Natural Resources Applications Using LiDAR Data: The Big Picture" & "Better Forest Management Decisions Using LiDAR Products
Jeremy Freund, Vice President of Carbon Development, Wildlife Works Carbon   Protection in the Tropics: Reference Levels and MRV – Remote Sensing, In-Situ or Both?
Nalini Chhetri, Climate Change Science Manager and Senior Sustainability Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability   Boundary Processes in the Development of Phoenix's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for Operations
Melissa Weitz, Environmental Protection Specialist, Climate Change Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency   Methane in the Inventory of the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
Jeffrey Watters, Director of Governmental Relations, Ocean Conservancy   Ocean Acidification: Connecting Science with Those Who Need It
Kate Calvin, Research Economist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Joint Global Change Institute   Representation of the Terrestrial System in Integrated Assessment Models
Daniel Sarewitz, Co-Director Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes and Professor of Science and Society at Arizona State University
Mahmud Farooque, Associate Director Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes at Arizona State University  
Uncertainty is Political!