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113 Publication(s) Matched

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Zhang, Y., Keenan, T. F., Zhou, S. 2021. Exacerbated drought impacts on global ecosystems due to structural overshoot. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 5(11), 1490-1498. doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01551-8 ( Keenan (IDS 2016)  , 133 citations )
Lan, X., Nisbet, E. G., Dlugokencky, E. J., Michel, S. E. 2021. What do we know about the global methane budget? Results from four decades of atmospheric CH 4 observations and the way forward. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 379(2210), 20200440. DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2020.0440 ( Lan (IDS 2016)  , 32 citations )
Townsend, P. A., Clare, J. D. J., Liu, N., Stenglein, J. L., Anhalt-Depies, C., Van Deelen, T. R., Gilbert, N. A., Singh, A., Martin, K. J., Zuckerberg, B. 2021. Snapshot Wisconsin: networking community scientists and remote sensing to improve ecological monitoring and management. Ecological Applications. 31(8). doi: 10.1002/eap.2436 ( Clare (NESSF 2016)  , 12 citations )
Ma, S., Worden, J. R., Bloom, A. A., Zhang, Y., Poulter, B., Cusworth, D. H., Yin, Y., Pandey, S., Maasakkers, J. D., Lu, X., Shen, L., Sheng, J., Frankenberg, C., Miller, C. E., Jacob, D. J. 2021. Satellite Constraints on the Latitudinal Distribution and Temperature Sensitivity of Wetland Methane Emissions. AGU Advances. 2(3). doi: 10.1029/2021AV000408 ( Miller (TE 2018)  , 35 citations )  [quad chart]
Randazzo, N. A., Michalak, A. M., Miller, C. E., Miller, S. M., Shiga, Y. P., Fang, Y. 2021. Higher Autumn Temperatures Lead to Contrasting CO 2 Flux Responses in Boreal Forests Versus Tundra and Shrubland. Geophysical Research Letters. 48(18). DOI: 10.1029/2021GL093843 ( Miller (TE 2018)  , 4 citations )
Miner, K. R., D'Andrilli, J., Mackelprang, R., Edwards, A., Malaska, M. J., Waldrop, M. P., Miller, C. E. 2021. Emergent biogeochemical risks from Arctic permafrost degradation. Nature Climate Change. 11(10), 809-819. doi: 10.1038/s41558-021-01162-y ( Miller (TE 2018)  , 106 citations )
Rastogi, B., Miller, J. B., Trudeau, M., Andrews, A. E., Hu, L., Mountain, M., Nehrkorn, T., Baier, B., McKain, K., Mund, J., Guan, K., Alden, C. B. 2021. Evaluating consistency between total column CO<sub>2</sub> retrievals from OCO-2 and the in situ network over North America: implications for carbon flux estimation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 21(18), 14385-14401. doi: 10.5194/acp-21-14385-2021 ( Hu (TE 2018)  , 5 citations )
Lu, X., Zhang, X., Li, F., Gao, L., Graham, L., Vetrita, Y., Saharjo, B. H., Cochrane, M. A. 2021. Drainage canal impacts on smoke aerosol emissions for Indonesian peatland and non-peatland fires. Environmental Research Letters. 16(9), 095008. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac2011 ( Cochrane (CMS 2018)  , 7 citations )  [quad chart]
Clark, D. B., Oberbauer, S. F., Clark, D. A., Ryan, M. G., Dubayah, R. O. 2021. Physical structure and biological composition of canopies in tropical secondary and old-growth forests. PLOS ONE. 16(8), e0256571. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256571 ( Dubayah (IDS 2003)  , 9 citations )
Watts, J. D., Natali, S. M., Minions, C., Risk, D., Arndt, K., Zona, D., Euskirchen, E. S., Rocha, A. V., Sonnentag, O., Helbig, M., Kalhori, A., Oechel, W., Ikawa, H., Ueyama, M., Suzuki, R., Kobayashi, H., Celis, G., Schuur, E. A. G., Humphreys, E., Kim, Y., Lee, B., Goetz, S., Madani, N., Schiferl, L. D., Commane, R., Kimball, J. S., Liu, Z., Torn, M. S., Potter, S., Wang, J. A., Jorgenson, M. T., Xiao, J., Li, X., Edgar, C. 2021. Soil respiration strongly offsets carbon uptake in Alaska and Northwest Canada. Environmental Research Letters. 16(8), 084051. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac1222 ( Natali (TE 2014)  , 35 citations )
Maguire, A. J., Eitel, J. U. H., Magney, T. S., Frankenberg, C., Kohler, P., Orcutt, E. L., Parazoo, N. C., Pavlick, R., Pierrat, Z. A. 2021. Spatial covariation between solar-induced fluorescence and vegetation indices from Arctic-Boreal landscapes. Environmental Research Letters. 16(9), 095002. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac188a ( Eitel (TE 2014)  Maguire (FINESST 2019)  Maguire (NPP 2020)  , 9 citations )  [quad chart]
Mao, J., Abshire, J. B., Kawa, S. R., Riris, H., Sun, X., Andela, N., Kolbeck, P. T. 2021. Measuring Atmospheric CO 2 Enhancements From the 2017 British Columbia Wildfires Using a Lidar. Geophysical Research Letters. 48(16). DOI: 10.1029/2021GL093805 ( Abshire (2017)  Sun (2020)  , 7 citations )
Wolf, J., Chen, M., Asrar, G. R. 2021. Global Rangeland Primary Production and Its Consumption by Livestock in 2000-2010. Remote Sensing. 13(17), 3430. doi: 10.3390/rs13173430 ( Chen (TE 2018)  , 12 citations )
Hu, L., Montzka, S. A., Kaushik, A., Andrews, A. E., Sweeney, C., Miller, J., Baker, I. T., Denning, S., Campbell, E., Shiga, Y. P., Tans, P., Siso, M. C., Crotwell, M., McKain, K., Thoning, K., Hall, B., Vimont, I., Elkins, J. W., Whelan, M. E., Suntharalingam, P. 2021. COS-derived GPP relationships with temperature and light help explain high-latitude atmospheric CO 2 seasonal cycle amplification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(33). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2103423118 ( Hu (TE 2018)  , 30 citations )  [quad chart]
He, J., Chen, D., Jenkins, L., Loboda, T. V. 2021. Impacts of wildfire and landscape factors on organic soil properties in Arctic tussock tundra. Environmental Research Letters. 16(8), 085004. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac1192 ( Loboda (TE 2014)  , 10 citations )  [quad chart]
Mao, J., Abshire, J. B., Kawa, S. R., Riris, H., Sun, X., Nicely, J. M., Kolbeck, P. T. 2021. The NASA Goddard CO2 Sounder Lidar: 2017 Airborne Campaign as a Demonstration toward a Future Space Mission. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9554611 ( Abshire (2017)  Sun (2020)  , 1 citations )
Saatchi, S., Longo, M., Xu, L., Yang, Y., Abe, H., Andre, M., Aukema, J. E., Carvalhais, N., Cadillo-Quiroz, H., Cerbu, G. A., Chernela, J. M., Covey, K., Sanchez-Clavijo, L. M., Cubillos, I. V., Davies, S. J., De Sy, V., De Vleeschouwer, F., Duque, A., Sybille Durieux, A. M., De Avila Fernandes, K., Fernandez, L. E., Gammino, V., Garrity, D. P., Gibbs, D. A., Gibbon, L., Gowae, G. Y., Hansen, M., Lee Harris, N., Healey, S. P., Hilton, R. G., Johnson, C. M., Kankeu, R. S., Laporte-Goetz, N. T., Lee, H., Lovejoy, T., Lowman, M., Lumbuenamo, R., Malhi, Y., Albert Martinez, J. M., Nobre, C., Pellegrini, A., Radachowsky, J., Roman, F., Russell, D., Sheil, D., Smith, T. B., Spencer, R. G., Stolle, F., Tata, H. L., Torres, D. D. C., Tshimanga, R. M., Vargas, R., Venter, M., West, J., Widayati, A., Wilson, S. N., Brumby, S., Elmore, A. C. 2021. Detecting vulnerability of humid tropical forests to multiple stressors. One Earth. 4(7), 988-1003. doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.06.002 ( Vargas (CMS 2016)  Vargas (CMS 2020)  , 51 citations )
Lamb, R. L., Ma, L., Sahajpal, R., Edmonds, J., Hultman, N. E., Dubayah, R. O., Kennedy, J., Hurtt, G. C. 2021. Geospatial assessment of the economic opportunity for reforestation in Maryland, USA. Environmental Research Letters. 16(8), 084012. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac109a ( Hurtt (CMS 2016)  Hurtt (CMS 2020)  , 4 citations )  [quad chart]
Wang, J., Zhang, X., Rodman, K. 2021. Land cover composition, climate, and topography drive land surface phenology in a recently burned landscape: An application of machine learning in phenological modeling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 304-305, 108432. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108432 ( Zhang (TASNPP 2017), 17 citations )
Raczka, B., Hoar, T. J., Duarte, H. F., Fox, A. M., Anderson, J. L., Bowling, D. R., Lin, J. C. 2021. Improving CLM5.0 Biomass and Carbon Exchange Across the Western United States Using a Data Assimilation System. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 13(7). doi: 10.1029/2020MS002421 ( Lin (CMS 2018)  , 16 citations )  [quad chart]
Cochrane, M. A., Bowman, D. M. J. S. 2021. Manage fire regimes, not fires. Nature Geoscience. 14(7), 455-457. doi: 10.1038/s41561-021-00791-4 ( Cochrane (CMS 2018)  , 52 citations )
Yang, D., Morrison, B. D., Hantson, W., Breen, A. L., McMahon, A., Li, Q., Salmon, V. G., Hayes, D. J., Serbin, S. P. 2021. Landscape-scale characterization of Arctic tundra vegetation composition, structure, and function with a multi-sensor unoccupied aerial system. Environmental Research Letters. 16(8), 085005. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac1291 ( Shuman (FINESST 2021)  , 14 citations )
Chen, D., Fu, C., Hall, J. V., Hoy, E. E., Loboda, T. V. 2021. Spatio-temporal patterns of optimal Landsat data for burn severity index calculations: Implications for high northern latitudes wildfire research. Remote Sensing of Environment. 258, 112393. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2021.112393 ( Loboda (TE 2012)  , 15 citations )  [quad chart]
Birch, L., Schwalm, C. R., Natali, S., Lombardozzi, D., Keppel-Aleks, G., Watts, J., Lin, X., Zona, D., Oechel, W., Sachs, T., Black, T. A., Rogers, B. M. 2021. Addressing biases in Arctic-boreal carbon cycling in the Community Land Model Version 5. Geoscientific Model Development. 14(6), 3361-3382. doi: 10.5194/gmd-14-3361-2021 ( Rogers (CARBON 2016)  , 17 citations )  [quad chart]
Virkkala, A., Aalto, J., Rogers, B. M., Tagesson, T., Treat, C. C., Natali, S. M., Watts, J. D., Potter, S., Lehtonen, A., Mauritz, M., Schuur, E. A. G., Kochendorfer, J., Zona, D., Oechel, W., Kobayashi, H., Humphreys, E., Goeckede, M., Iwata, H., Lafleur, P. M., Euskirchen, E. S., Bokhorst, S., Marushchak, M., Martikainen, P. J., Elberling, B., Voigt, C., Biasi, C., Sonnentag, O., Parmentier, F. W., Ueyama, M., Celis, G., St.Louis, V. L., Emmerton, C. A., Peichl, M., Chi, J., Jarveoja, J., Nilsson, M. B., Oberbauer, S. F., Torn, M. S., Park, S., Dolman, H., Mammarella, I., Chae, N., Poyatos, R., Lopez-Blanco, E., Christensen, T. R., Kwon, M. J., Sachs, T., Holl, D., Luoto, M. 2021. Statistical upscaling of ecosystem CO 2 fluxes across the terrestrial tundra and boreal domain: Regional patterns and uncertainties. Global Change Biology. 27(17), 4040-4059. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15659 ( Rogers (CARBON 2016)  , 107 citations )  [quad chart]
Madani, N., Parazoo, N. C., Kimball, J. S., Reichle, R. H., Chatterjee, A., Watts, J. D., Saatchi, S., Liu, Z., Endsley, A., Tagesson, T., Rogers, B. M., Xu, L., Wang, J. A., Magney, T., Miller, C. E. 2021. The Impacts of Climate and Wildfire on Ecosystem Gross Primary Productivity in Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126(6). doi: 10.1029/2020JG006078 ( Chatterjee (TE 2016)  Kimball (TE 2018)  Miller (TE 2018)  Rogers (CARBON 2016)  , 15 citations )
Weir, B., Ott, L. E., Collatz, G. J., Kawa, S. R., Poulter, B., Chatterjee, A., Oda, T., Pawson, S. 2021. Bias-correcting carbon fluxes derived from land-surface satellite data for retrospective and near-real-time assimilation systems. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 21(12), 9609-9628. doi: 10.5194/acp-21-9609-2021 ( Chatterjee (TE 2016)  , 15 citations )
Lan, X., Basu, S., Schwietzke, S., Bruhwiler, L. M. P., Dlugokencky, E. J., Michel, S. E., Sherwood, O. A., Tans, P. P., Thoning, K., Etiope, G., Zhuang, Q., Liu, L., Oh, Y., Miller, J. B., Petron, G., Vaughn, B. H., Crippa, M. 2021. Improved Constraints on Global Methane Emissions and Sinks Using d 13 C-CH 4. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 35(6). DOI: 10.1029/2021GB007000 ( Lan (IDS 2016)  , 67 citations )
Guo, M., Zhuang, Q., Yao, H., Golub, M., Leung, L. R., Tan, Z. 2021. Intercomparison of Thermal Regime Algorithms in 1-D Lake Models. Water Resources Research. 57(6). doi: 10.1029/2020WR028776 ( Lan (IDS 2016)  , 2 citations )
Pan, C. G., Kirchner, P. B., Kimball, J. S., Du, J., Rawlins, M. A. 2021. Snow Phenology and Hydrologic Timing in the Yukon River Basin, AK, USA. Remote Sensing. 13(12), 2284. doi: 10.3390/rs13122284 ( Kimball (TE 2018)  Rawlins (RSWQ 2017)  , 3 citations )  [quad chart]
Boyd, M. A., Berner, L. T., Foster, A. C., Goetz, S. J., Rogers, B. M., Walker, X. J., Mack, M. C. 2021. Historic declines in growth portend trembling aspen death during a contemporary leaf miner outbreak in Alaska. Ecosphere. 12(6). doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3569 ( Goetz (TE 2018)  , 12 citations )
Shiklomanov, A. N., Dietze, M. C., Fer, I., Viskari, T., Serbin, S. P. 2021. Cutting out the middleman: calibrating and validating a dynamic vegetation model (ED2-PROSPECT5) using remotely sensed surface reflectance. Geoscientific Model Development. 14(5), 2603-2633. doi: 10.5194/gmd-14-2603-2021 ( Serbin (2014)  Serbin (TE 2013)  , 17 citations )
Clayton, L. K., Schaefer, K., Battaglia, M. J., Bourgeau-Chavez, L., Chen, J., Chen, R. H., Chen, A., Bakian-Dogaheh, K., Grelik, S., Jafarov, E., Liu, L., Michaelides, R. J., Moghaddam, M., Parsekian, A. D., Rocha, A. V., Schaefer, S. R., Sullivan, T., Tabatabaeenejad, A., Wang, K., Wilson, C. J., Zebker, H. A., Zhang, T., Zhao, Y. 2021. Active layer thickness as a function of soil water content. Environmental Research Letters. 16(5), 055028. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abfa4c ( Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2014)  , 48 citations )
Scholten, R. C., Jandt, R., Miller, E. A., Rogers, B. M., Veraverbeke, S. 2021. Overwintering fires in boreal forests. Nature. 593(7859), 399-404. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03437-y ( Rogers (TE 2014)  , 92 citations )  [quad chart]
Bhatt, U. S., Walker, D. A., Raynolds, M. K., Walsh, J. E., Bieniek, P. A., Cai, L., Comiso, J. C., Epstein, H. E., Frost, G. V., Gersten, R., Hendricks, A. S., Pinzon, J. E., Stock, L., Tucker, C. J. 2021. Climate drivers of Arctic tundra variability and change using an indicators framework. Environmental Research Letters. 16(5), 055019. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe676 ( Frost (TE 2014)  , 18 citations )  [quad chart]
Zhou, Y., Williams, C. A., Hasler, N., Gu, H., Kennedy, R. 2021. Beyond biomass to carbon fluxes: application and evaluation of a comprehensive forest carbon monitoring system. Environmental Research Letters. 16(5), 055026. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abf06d ( Kennedy (CMS 2015)  Williams (CMS 2014)  , 11 citations )  [quad chart]
Sun, X., Abshire, J. B., Ramanathan, A., Kawa, S. R., Mao, J. 2021. Retrieval algorithm for the column CO<sub>2</sub> mixing ratio from pulsed multi-wavelength lidar measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 14(5), 3909-3922. doi: 10.5194/amt-14-3909-2021 ( Abshire (2017)  Sun (2020)  , 14 citations )
Sun, W., Fang, Y., Luo, X., Shiga, Y. P., Zhang, Y., Andrews, A. E., Thoning, K. W., Fisher, J. B., Keenan, T. F., Michalak, A. M. 2021. Midwest US Croplands Determine Model Divergence in North American Carbon Fluxes. AGU Advances. 2(2). doi: 10.1029/2020AV000310 ( Keenan (IDS 2016)  , 8 citations )  [quad chart]
Pierrat, Z., Nehemy, M. F., Roy, A., Magney, T., Parazoo, N. C., Laroque, C., Pappas, C., Sonnentag, O., Grossmann, K., Bowling, D. R., Seibt, U., Ramirez, A., Johnson, B., Helgason, W., Barr, A., Stutz, J. 2021. Tower-Based Remote Sensing Reveals Mechanisms Behind a Two-phased Spring Transition in a Mixed-Species Boreal Forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126(5). doi: 10.1029/2020JG006191 ( Frankenberg (TE 2018)  Parazoo (IDS 2016)  , 31 citations )
Stell, E., Warner, D., Jian, J., Bond-Lamberty, B., Vargas, R. 2021. Spatial biases of information influence global estimates of soil respiration: How can we improve global predictions? Global Change Biology. 27(16), 3923-3938. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15666 ( Vargas (CMS 2016)  Vargas (CMS 2020)  , 40 citations )
Sedano, F., Lisboa, S. N., Sahajpal, R., Duncanson, L., Ribeiro, N., Sitoe, A., Hurtt, G., Tucker, C. J. 2021. The connection between forest degradation and urban energy demand in sub-Saharan Africa: a characterization based on high-resolution remote sensing data. Environmental Research Letters. 16(6), 064020. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abfc05 ( Sedano (CMS 2016)  , 7 citations )
Lamb, R. L., Hurtt, G. C., Boudreau, T. J., Campbell, E., Sepulveda Carlo, E. A., Chu, H., de Mooy, J., Dubayah, R. O., Gonsalves, D., Guy, M., Hultman, N. E., Lehman, S., Leon, B., Lister, A. J., Lynch, C., Ma, L., Martin, C., Robbins, N., Rudee, A., Silva, C. E., Skoglund, C., Tang, H. 2021. Context and future directions for integrating forest carbon into sub-national climate mitigation planning in the RGGI region of the U.S. Environmental Research Letters. 16(6), 063001. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe6c2 ( Hurtt (CMS 2016)  Hurtt (CMS 2020)  Tang (NIP 2017)  , 10 citations )  [quad chart]
Lamb, R. L., Hurtt, G. C., Boudreau, T. J., Campbell, E., Sepulveda Carlo, E. A., Chu, H., de Mooy, J., Dubayah, R. O., Gonsalves, D., Guy, M., Hultman, N. E., Lehman, S., Leon, B., Lister, A. J., Lynch, C., Ma, L., Martin, C., Robbins, N., Rudee, A., Silva, C. E., Skoglund, C., Tang, H. 2021. Context and future directions for integrating forest carbon into sub-national climate mitigation planning in the RGGI region of the U.S. Environmental Research Letters. 16(6), 063001. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe6c2 ( Hurtt (CMS 2016)  Hurtt (CMS 2020)  Tang (NIP 2017)  , 10 citations )
Sullivan, T. D., Parsekian, A. D., Sharp, J., Hanke, P. J., Thalasso, F., Shapley, M., Engram, M., Walter Anthony, K. 2021. Influence of permafrost thaw on an extreme geologic methane seep. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 32(3), 484-502. doi: 10.1002/ppp.2114 ( Miller (TE 2018)  , 9 citations )
Chu, H., Luo, X., Ouyang, Z., Chan, W. S., Dengel, S., Biraud, S. C., Torn, M. S., Metzger, S., Kumar, J., Arain, M. A., Arkebauer, T. J., Baldocchi, D., Bernacchi, C., Billesbach, D., Black, T. A., Blanken, P. D., Bohrer, G., Bracho, R., Brown, S., Brunsell, N. A., Chen, J., Chen, X., Clark, K., Desai, A. R., Duman, T., Durden, D., Fares, S., Forbrich, I., Gamon, J. A., Gough, C. M., Griffis, T., Helbig, M., Hollinger, D., Humphreys, E., Ikawa, H., Iwata, H., Ju, Y., Knowles, J. F., Knox, S. H., Kobayashi, H., Kolb, T., Law, B., Lee, X., Litvak, M., Liu, H., Munger, J. W., Noormets, A., Novick, K., Oberbauer, S. F., Oechel, W., Oikawa, P., Papuga, S. A., Pendall, E., Prajapati, P., Prueger, J., Quinton, W. L., Richardson, A. D., Russell, E. S., Scott, R. L., Starr, G., Staebler, R., Stoy, P. C., Stuart-Haentjens, E., Sonnentag, O., Sullivan, R. C., Suyker, A., Ueyama, M., Vargas, R., Wood, J. D., Zona, D. 2021. Representativeness of Eddy-Covariance flux footprints for areas surrounding AmeriFlux sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 301-302, 108350. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108350 ( Vargas (CMS 2020)  , 176 citations )
Wang, J. A., Baccini, A., Farina, M., Randerson, J. T., Friedl, M. A. 2021. Disturbance suppresses the aboveground carbon sink in North American boreal forests. Nature Climate Change. 11(5), 435-441. doi: 10.1038/s41558-021-01027-4 ( Baccini (CMS 2015)  Woodcock (TE 2014)  , 73 citations )  [quad chart]
Nagy-Reis, M., Dickie, M., Calvert, A. M., Hebblewhite, M., Hervieux, D., Seip, D. R., Gilbert, S. L., Venter, O., DeMars, C., Boutin, S., Serrouya, R. 2021. Habitat loss accelerates for the endangered woodland caribou in western Canada. Conservation Science and Practice. 3(7). doi: 10.1111/csp2.437 ( Boelman (TE 2014)  , 41 citations )
Tang, X., Woodcock, C. E., Olofsson, P., Hutyra, L. R. 2021. Spatiotemporal assessment of land use/land cover change and associated carbon emissions and uptake in the Mekong River Basin. Remote Sensing of Environment. 256, 112336. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2021.112336 ( Olofsson (CMS 2015)  , 70 citations )  [quad chart]
Mekonnen, Z. A., Riley, W. J., Berner, L. T., Bouskill, N. J., Torn, M. S., Iwahana, G., Breen, A. L., Myers-Smith, I. H., Criado, M. G., Liu, Y., Euskirchen, E. S., Goetz, S. J., Mack, M. C., Grant, R. F. 2021. Arctic tundra shrubification: a review of mechanisms and impacts on ecosystem carbon balance. Environmental Research Letters. 16(5), 053001. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abf28b ( Goetz (TE 2018)  Iwahana (TE 2016)  , 175 citations )
Rosentreter, J. A., Borges, A. V., Deemer, B. R., Holgerson, M. A., Liu, S., Song, C., Melack, J., Raymond, P. A., Duarte, C. M., Allen, G. H., Olefeldt, D., Poulter, B., Battin, T. I., Eyre, B. D. 2021. Half of global methane emissions come from highly variable aquatic ecosystem sources. Nature Geoscience. 14(4), 225-230. doi: 10.1038/s41561-021-00715-2 ( Melack (IDS 2016)  Poulter (CMS 2018)  , 567 citations )
Ma, L., Hurtt, G., Tang, H., Lamb, R., Campbell, E., Dubayah, R., Guy, M., Huang, W., Lister, A., Lu, J., O'Neil-Dunne, J., Rudee, A., Shen, Q., Silva, C. 2021. High-resolution forest carbon modelling for climate mitigation planning over the RGGI region, USA. Environmental Research Letters. 16(4), 045014. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe4f4 ( Hurtt (CMS 2016)  Hurtt (CMS 2020)  , 12 citations )  [quad chart]
Gaglioti, B. V., Berner, L. T., Jones, B. M., Orndahl, K. M., Williams, A. P., Andreu-Hayles, L., D'Arrigo, R. D., Goetz, S. J., Mann, D. H. 2021. Tussocks Enduring or Shrubs Greening: Alternate Responses to Changing Fire Regimes in the Noatak River Valley, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126(4). doi: 10.1029/2020JG006009 ( Goetz (TE 2018)  , 10 citations )
Rosentreter, J. A., Borges, A. V., Deemer, B. R., Holgerson, M. A., Liu, S., Song, C., Melack, J., Raymond, P. A., Duarte, C. M., Allen, G. H., Olefeldt, D., Poulter, B., Battin, T. I., Eyre, B. D. 2021. Half of global methane emissions come from highly variable aquatic ecosystem sources. Nature Geoscience. 14(4), 225-230. doi: 10.1038/s41561-021-00715-2 ( Melack (IDS 2016)  Poulter (CMS 2018)  , 567 citations )  [quad chart]
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Aycrigg, J. L., Wells, A. G., Garton, E. O., Magipane, B., Liston, G. E., Prugh, L. R., Rachlow, J. L. 2021. Habitat selection by Dall's sheep is influenced by multiple factors including direct and indirect climate effects. PLOS ONE. 16(3), e0248763. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248763 ( Prugh (TE 2014)  , 6 citations )  [quad chart]
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Hao, D., Zeng, Y., Qiu, H., Biriukova, K., Celesti, M., Migliavacca, M., Rossini, M., Asrar, G. R., Chen, M. 2021. Practical approaches for normalizing directional solar-induced fluorescence to a standard viewing geometry. Remote Sensing of Environment. 255, 112171. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2020.112171 ( Chen (TE 2018)  , 24 citations )
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Gurney, K. R., Liang, J., Roest, G., Song, Y., Mueller, K., Lauvaux, T. 2021. Under-reporting of greenhouse gas emissions in U.S. cities. Nature Communications. 12(1). doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-20871-0 ( Gurney (CARBON 2013)  , 92 citations )  [quad chart]
Tang, H., Ma, L., Lister, A., O'Neill-Dunne, J., Lu, J., Lamb, R. L., Dubayah, R., Hurtt, G. 2021. High-resolution forest carbon mapping for climate mitigation baselines over the RGGI region, USA. Environmental Research Letters. 16(3), 035011. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abd2ef ( Dubayah (CMS 2011)  Hurtt (CMS 2014)  Hurtt (CMS 2016)  Hurtt (CMS 2020)  Tang (NIP 2017)  , 13 citations )  [quad chart]
Liu, J., Baskaran, L., Bowman, K., Schimel, D., Bloom, A. A., Parazoo, N. C., Oda, T., Carroll, D., Menemenlis, D., Joiner, J., Commane, R., Daube, B., Gatti, L. V., McKain, K., Miller, J., Stephens, B. B., Sweeney, C., Wofsy, S. 2021. Carbon Monitoring System Flux Net Biosphere Exchange 2020 (CMS-Flux NBE 2020). Earth System Science Data. 13(2), 299-330. doi: 10.5194/essd-13-299-2021 ( Oda (CARBON 2013)  , 52 citations )  [quad chart]
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Silva, C. A., Duncanson, L., Hancock, S., Neuenschwander, A., Thomas, N., Hofton, M., Fatoyinbo, L., Simard, M., Marshak, C. Z., Armston, J., Lutchke, S., Dubayah, R. 2021. Fusing simulated GEDI, ICESat-2 and NISAR data for regional aboveground biomass mapping. Remote Sensing of Environment. 253, 112234. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2020.112234 ( Fatoyinbo (CMS 2015)  , 144 citations )
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Glass, T. W., Breed, G. A., Iwahana, G., Kynoch, M. C., Robards, M. D., Williams, C. T., Kielland, K. 2021. Permafrost ice caves: an unrecognized microhabitat for Arctic wildlife. Ecology. 102(5). doi: 10.1002/ecy.3276 ( Iwahana (TE 2016)  , 4 citations )
Guo, M., Zhuang, Q., Yao, H., Golub, M., Leung, L. R., Pierson, D., Tan, Z. 2021. Validation and Sensitivity Analysis of a 1-D Lake Model Across Global Lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 126(4). doi: 10.1029/2020JD033417 ( Lan (IDS 2016)  , 16 citations )
Sayers, M. J., Fahnenstiel, G. L., Shuchman, R. A., Bosse, K. R. 2021. A new method to estimate global freshwater phytoplankton carbon fixation using satellite remote sensing: initial results. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 42(10), 3708-3730. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2021.1880661 ( Sayers (CMS 2016)  , 14 citations )
Jian, J., Vargas, R., Anderson-Teixeira, K., Stell, E., Herrmann, V., Horn, M., Kholod, N., Manzon, J., Marchesi, R., Paredes, D., Bond-Lamberty, B. 2021. A restructured and updated global soil respiration database (SRDB-V5). Earth System Science Data. 13(2), 255-267. doi: 10.5194/essd-13-255-2021 ( Vargas (CMS 2016)  Vargas (CMS 2020)  , 55 citations )
Jiang, C., Guan, K., Wu, G., Peng, B., Wang, S. 2021. A daily, 250 m and real-time gross primary productivity product (2000-present) covering the contiguous United States. Earth System Science Data. 13(2), 281-298. doi: 10.5194/essd-13-281-2021 ( Guan (CMS 2016)  , 29 citations )  [quad chart]
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Walter Anthony, K. M., Lindgren, P., Hanke, P., Engram, M., Anthony, P., Daanen, R. P., Bondurant, A., Liljedahl, A. K., Lenz, J., Grosse, G., Jones, B. M., Brosius, L., James, S. R., Minsley, B. J., Pastick, N. J., Munk, J., Chanton, J. P., Miller, C. E., Meyer, F. J. 2021. Decadal-scale hotspot methane ebullition within lakes following abrupt permafrost thaw. Environmental Research Letters. 16(3), 035010. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abc848 ( Miller (TE 2018)  , 27 citations )
Vetrita, Y., Cochrane, M. A., Suwarsono, S., Priyatna, M., Sukowati, K. A. D., Khomarudin, M. R. 2021. Evaluating accuracy of four MODIS-derived burned area products for tropical peatland and non-peatland fires. Environmental Research Letters. 16(3), 035015. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abd3d1 ( Cochrane (CMS 2018)  , 33 citations )  [quad chart]
Frost, G. V., Bhatt, U. S., Macander, M. J., Hendricks, A. S., Jorgenson, M. T. 2021. Is Alaska's Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Greening or Browning? Resolving Mixed Signals of Tundra Vegetation Dynamics and Drivers in the Maritime Arctic. Earth Interactions. 25(1), 76-93. doi: 10.1175/EI-D-20-0025.1 ( Frost (TE 2014)  , 8 citations )
Bristol, E. M., Connolly, C. T., Lorenson, T. D., Richmond, B. M., Ilgen, A. G., Choens, R. C., Bull, D. L., Kanevskiy, M., Iwahana, G., Jones, B. M., McClelland, J. W. 2021. Geochemistry of Coastal Permafrost and Erosion-Driven Organic Matter Fluxes to the Beaufort Sea Near Drew Point, Alaska. Frontiers in Earth Science. 8. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.598933 ( Iwahana (TE 2016)  , 10 citations )
Cueva, A., Bullock, S. H., Mendez-Alonzo, R., Lopez-Reyes, E., Vargas, R. 2021. Foliage Senescence as a Key Parameter for Modeling Gross Primary Productivity in a Mediterranean Shrubland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126(1). doi: 10.1029/2020JG005839 ( Vargas (CMS 2016)  , 4 citations )
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Iwahana, G., Busey, R., Saito, K. 2020. Seasonal and Interannual Ground-Surface Displacement in Intact and Disturbed Tundra along the Dalton Highway on the North Slope, Alaska. Land. 10(1), 22. doi: 10.3390/land10010022 ( Iwahana (TE 2016)  , 6 citations )
Sayers, M., Bosse, K., Fahnenstiel, G., Shuchman, R. 2020. Carbon Fixation Trends in Eleven of the World's Largest Lakes: 2003-2018. Water. 12(12), 3500. doi: 10.3390/w12123500 ( Sayers (CMS 2016)  , 18 citations )  [quad chart]
Arthur Endsley, K., Kimball, J. S., Reichle, R. H., Watts, J. D. 2020. Satellite Monitoring of Global Surface Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics Using the SMAP Level 4 Carbon Product. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 125(12). doi: 10.1029/2020JG006100 ( Kimball (TE 2018)  , 13 citations )
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Jiang, H., Zheng, G., Yi, Y., Chen, D., Zhang, W., Yang, K., Miller, C. E. 2020. Progress and Challenges in Studying Regional Permafrost in the Tibetan Plateau Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Models. Frontiers in Earth Science. 8. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.560403 ( Miller (TE 2018)  , 21 citations )
Hurtt, G. C., Chini, L., Sahajpal, R., Frolking, S., Bodirsky, B. L., Calvin, K., Doelman, J. C., Fisk, J., Fujimori, S., Klein Goldewijk, K., Hasegawa, T., Havlik, P., Heinimann, A., Humpenoder, F., Jungclaus, J., Kaplan, J. O., Kennedy, J., Krisztin, T., Lawrence, D., Lawrence, P., Ma, L., Mertz, O., Pongratz, J., Popp, A., Poulter, B., Riahi, K., Shevliakova, E., Stehfest, E., Thornton, P., Tubiello, F. N., van Vuuren, D. P., Zhang, X. 2020. Harmonization of global land use change and management for the period 850-2100 (LUH2) for CMIP6. Geoscientific Model Development. 13(11), 5425-5464. doi: 10.5194/gmd-13-5425-2020 ( Chini (TE 2012)  Hurtt (CMS 2016)  , 557 citations )  [quad chart]
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Davidson, S. C., Bohrer, G., Gurarie, E., LaPoint, S., Mahoney, P. J., Boelman, N. T., Eitel, J. U. H., Prugh, L. R., Vierling, L. A., Jennewein, J., Grier, E., Couriot, O., Kelly, A. P., Meddens, A. J. H., Oliver, R. Y., Kays, R., Wikelski, M., Aarvak, T., Ackerman, J. T., Alves, J. A., Bayne, E., Bedrosian, B., Belant, J. L., Berdahl, A. M., Berlin, A. M., Berteaux, D., Bety, J., Boiko, D., Booms, T. L., Borg, B. L., Boutin, S., Boyd, W. S., Brides, K., Brown, S., Bulyuk, V. N., Burnham, K. K., Cabot, D., Casazza, M., Christie, K., Craig, E. H., Davis, S. E., Davison, T., Demma, D., DeSorbo, C. R., Dixon, A., Domenech, R., Eichhorn, G., Elliott, K., Evenson, J. R., Exo, K., Ferguson, S. H., Fiedler, W., Fisk, A., Fort, J., Franke, A., Fuller, M. R., Garthe, S., Gauthier, G., Gilchrist, G., Glazov, P., Gray, C. E., Gremillet, D., Griffin, L., Hallworth, M. T., Harrison, A., Hennin, H. L., Hipfner, J. M., Hodson, J., Johnson, J. A., Joly, K., Jones, K., Katzner, T. E., Kidd, J. W., Knight, E. C., Kochert, M. N., Kolzsch, A., Kruckenberg, H., Lagasse, B. J., Lai, S., Lamarre, J., Lanctot, R. B., Larter, N. C., Latham, A. D. M., Latty, C. J., Lawler, J. P., Leandri-Breton, D., Lee, H., Lewis, S. B., Love, O. P., Madsen, J., Maftei, M., Mallory, M. L., Mangipane, B., Markovets, M. Y., Marra, P. P., McGuire, R., McIntyre, C. L., McKinnon, E. A., Miller, T. A., Moonen, S., Mu, T., Muskens, G. J. D. M., Ng, J., Nicholson, K. L., Oien, I. J., Overton, C., Owen, P. A., Patterson, A., Petersen, A., Pokrovsky, I., Powell, L. L., Prieto, R., Quillfeldt, P., Rausch, J., Russell, K., Saalfeld, S. T., Schekkerman, H., Schmutz, J. A., Schwemmer, P., Seip, D. R., Shreading, A., Silva, M. A., Smith, B. W., Smith, F., Smith, J. P., Snell, K. R. S., Sokolov, A., Sokolov, V., Solovyeva, D. V., Sorum, M. S., Tertitski, G., Therrien, J. F., Thorup, K., Tibbitts, T. L., Tulp, I., Uher-Koch, B. D., van Bemmelen, R. S. A., Van Wilgenburg, S., Von Duyke, A. L., Watson, J. L., Watts, B. D., Williams, J. A., Wilson, M. T., Wright, J. R., Yates, M. A., Yurkowski, D. J., Zydelis, R., Hebblewhite, M. 2020. Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic. Science. 370(6517), 712-715. doi: 10.1126/science.abb7080 ( Boelman (TE 2014)  , 92 citations )  [quad chart]  [What We're Learning]
Brown, M. E., Cooper, M. W., Griffith, P. C. 2020. NASA's carbon monitoring system (CMS) and arctic-boreal vulnerability experiment (ABoVE) social network and community of practice. Environmental Research Letters. 15(11), 115014. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aba300 ( AAC Management  Poulter (CMS 2018)  , 4 citations )  [quad chart]
Yokohata, T., Saito, K., Takata, K., Nitta, T., Satoh, Y., Hajima, T., Sueyoshi, T., Iwahana, G. 2020. Model improvement and future projection of permafrost processes in a global land surface model. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. 7(1). doi: 10.1186/s40645-020-00380-w ( Iwahana (TE 2016)  , 22 citations )
Byrne, B., Liu, J., Bloom, A. A., Bowman, K. W., Butterfield, Z., Joiner, J., Keenan, T. F., Keppel-Aleks, G., Parazoo, N. C., Yin, Y. 2020. Contrasting Regional Carbon Cycle Responses to Seasonal Climate Anomalies Across the East-West Divide of Temperate North America. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 34(11). doi: 10.1029/2020GB006598 ( Byrne (NPP 2018)  Keenan (IDS 2016)  , 13 citations )
Yi Y, Kimball J S, Watts J D, Natali S M, Zona D, Liu J, Ueyama M, Kobayashi H, Oechel W, Miller C E. 2020 Investigating the sensitivity of soil heterotrophic respiration to recent snow cover changes in Alaska using a satellite-based permafrost carbon model. Biogeosciences. 17(22), 5861-5882. doi: 10.5194/bg-17-5861-2020 ( Kimball (TE 2018)  Miller (TE 2018)  , 16 citations )
Byrne, B., Liu, J., Bloom, A. A., Bowman, K. W., Butterfield, Z., Joiner, J., Keenan, T. F., Keppel-Aleks, G., Parazoo, N. C., Yin, Y. 2020. Contrasting Regional Carbon Cycle Responses to Seasonal Climate Anomalies Across the East-West Divide of Temperate North America. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 34(11). doi: 10.1029/2020GB006598 ( Byrne (NPP 2018)  Keenan (IDS 2016)  , 13 citations )  [quad chart]
Gurney, K. R., Liang, J., Patarasuk, R., Song, Y., Huang, J., Roest, G. 2020. The Vulcan Version 3.0 High-Resolution Fossil Fuel CO 2 Emissions for the United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 125(19). DOI: 10.1029/2020JD032974 ( Duren (2013)  Gurney (CARBON 2013)  , 53 citations )  [quad chart]
Brown, D. R. N., Brinkman, T. J., Bolton, W. R., Brown, C. L., Cold, H. S., Hollingsworth, T. N., Verbyla, D. L. 2020. Implications of climate variability and changing seasonal hydrology for subarctic riverbank erosion. Climatic Change. 162(2), 1-20. doi: 10.1007/s10584-020-02748-9 ( Brinkman (TE 2014)  , 13 citations )  [quad chart]
Walker X J, Rogers B M, Veraverbeke S, Johnstone J F, Baltzer J L, Barrett K, Bourgeau-Chavez L, Day N J, de Groot W J, Dieleman C M, Goetz S, Hoy E, Jenkins L K, Kane E S, Parisien M, Potter S, Schuur E A G, Turetsky M, Whitman E, Mack M C. 2020 Fuel availability not fire weather controls boreal wildfire severity and carbon emissions. Nature Climate Change. 10(12), 1130-1136. doi: 10.1038/s41558-020-00920-8 ( Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2018)  Mack (TE 2014)  Rogers (TE 2014)  , 96 citations )  [quad chart]
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Andreu-Hayles, L., Gaglioti, B. V., Berner, L. T., Levesque, M., Anchukaitis, K. J., Goetz, S. J., D'Arrigo, R. 2020. A narrow window of summer temperatures associated with shrub growth in Arctic Alaska. Environmental Research Letters. 15(10), 105012. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab897f ( Goetz (TE 2014)  , 26 citations )
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