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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Announcements Archive

ROSES-24 A.5 Carbon Cycle Science Proposal Due Date Deferred – The proposal due date is now February 19, 2025.  (posted 2025-01-14)AGU 2024 Sessions of Interest to CMS  (posted 2024-11-06)GHGSat Methane Concentration and Emission Data Now Available – Data acquired by NASA for the successfully concluded scientific evaluation of GHGSat under the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) program is now available through the NASA Earthdata portal. The dataset consists of georeferenced per-pixel methane column abundances, methane concentration maps, methane emission rates with error estimates, and associated metadata for global anthropogenic and naturogenic point sources for the period from January 2021 to May 2024.  (posted 2024-10-31)Comments Solicited on Scoping Studies for Future Field Campaigns – Feedback due Nov. 5  (posted 2024-10-31)Now Available: Presentations + Meeting Summary from the 2024 CMS Science Team Meeting & Applications Workshop  (posted 2024-10-07)16 New Projects Selected from the CMS 2023 Solicitation!  (posted 2024-09-09)AGU 2024 CMS Session – Please consider submitting an abstract to B028 - Carbon Monitoring Systems Research and Applications. Abstracts are due July 31st.  (posted 2024-06-20)Upcoming NASA ARSET Training – NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new open, online webinar series: Applications of Carbon Dioxide Measurements for Climate-Related Studies. Course dates are July 9, 10 and 16, 2024. There will be a session in English and a session in Spanish each day.  (posted 2024-06-20)GHG and Climate Funding Opportunity from Google Research – "Creating ML benchmarks for climate problems". Applications due July 17, 2024. Please contact Anna Michalak ( for questions.  (posted 2024-06-07)Peter Griffith received NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal  (posted 2024-05-15)Libby Larson received NASA Exceptional Public Service Medal  (posted 2024-05-15)Apply to Join a NASA Wildfire Technology Management Cohort (WTMC) – Responses Due: February 26, 2024  (posted 2024-02-06)SMD Inclusion Plan Requirements Town Hall - Feb. 20, 2024, 3 - 4:30 pm Eastern Time – NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Inclusion Plan Community of Practice will host a webinar to discuss requirements for and evaluation of Inclusion Plans in ROSES-2024. Connection information available here.  (posted 2024-01-03)Policy Speaker Series  (posted 2024-01-01)Ongoing Call for Papers – Special issue of the journal Environmental Research Letters: Focus on Carbon Monitoring Systems Research and Applications.  (posted 2024-01-01)Just Released! The National Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Measurement, Monitoring, and Information System  (posted 2023-12-08)Transform to Open Science: Release of Open Science 101 Curriculum – On December 6, NASA released its new Open Science 101 curriculum (OS101), aimed at empowering researchers, early career scientists, and underrepresented communities with the knowledge and tools necessary to embrace open science practices. All five modules of the course are accessible through a self-paced online platform. See here for more.  (posted 2023-12-07)NASA Research Opportunity Released! ROSES 2023 A.6 Carbon Monitoring System – Notices of Intent are requested by January 4, 2024, and proposals are due by March 12, 2024.  (posted 2023-12-04)NASA FINESST (future investigators) Proposals Due Feb. 6, 2024 – ROSES-2023 Amendment 61 releases final text and due dates for F.5 FINESST. An optional, pre-proposal teleconference will occur on December 1, 2023, at 3:30 PM Eastern Time, see Section 12.8. Notices of Intent are not requested. Proposals are due February 6, 2024.  (posted 2023-11-30)First International Colloquium on Space and Sustainability – November 15-16, 2023, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico  (posted 2023-11-02)AGU Innovation Session: Carbon Monitoring Systems Research and Applications – Thursday, December 14, 2023 from 08:30-17:00 PST.  (posted 2023-10-28)Now Available: Presentations + Keynote Talk Recording from the 2023 CMS Science Team Meeting and Applications Workshop  (posted 2023-10-26)Request for Information: Improving the Usability of the ROSES NASA Research Announcement – Responses due Jan. 24, 2024.  (posted 2023-10-24)NASA Notice of Funding Opportunity: Topical Workshops, Symposiums, and Conferences (TWSC-24) in Space and Earth Sciences and Technology – Rolling submissions accepted through Nov. 30, 2026.  (posted 2023-10-16)NASA Research Opportunity: ROSES 2023 A.65 FireSense Implementation Team – Notices of intent are requested by Dec. 11, 2023, and proposals are due Jan. 18, 2024.  (posted 2023-10-11)National Academies Earth Sciences Midterm: Community RFI for the Decadal Survey – All feedback must be received by October 27, 2023 for fullest consideration.  (posted 2023-10-10)ORNL DAAC marks 30 years of stewarding NASA terrestrial ecology data  (posted 2023-10-02)New ERE Focus Collection on Terrestrial Biosphere Models – Open for submissions!  (posted 2023-09-21)Environmental Research 2023, a series of free-to-attend virtual events hosted by non-profit IOP Publishing, will take place from 18 October through to 15 November 2023. – The Ecology session on Nov 1st will be Co-Hosted by Scott Goetz and Chris Hakkenberg of Northern Arizona University and focused on "Research advances in ecology across the Earth’s major biomes”.  (posted 2023-08-29)Call for Caregiver Grant for #AGU23 Meeting (Deadline is Sept 15)  (posted 2023-08-28)Request for Information: DRAFT Federal Strategy to Advance Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Monitoring for the Agriculture and Forestry Sectors – This is the follow-up strategy to the GHG MMRV draft that was released in February. Comments are due August 11, 2023.  (posted 2023-07-12)A.39 Early Career Investigator Program in Earth Science FAQ and Slides Posted  (posted 2023-06-29)17 New Projects Selected from CMS 2022 Solicitation!  (posted 2023-06-15)Job Announcement: Scientist for Federal Carbon Cycle & Social-Ecological Research  (posted 2023-06-12)NASA CC&E Joint Science Workshop – was held May 8-12, 2023 in College Park, MD.  (posted 2023-05-15)Request for Information: DRAFT Federal Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Information System (GHGMIS) – Extended Deadline: April 19, 2023  (posted 2023-02-27)February 2023 AEOIP Webinar – Transcriptomics from Space: Linking Remote Sensing to Tree Gene Expression to Monitor Forest Responses to Water Availability. Tuesday, February 28, 11:00-12:00 EST.  (posted 2023-02-16)2022 AGU Sessions of Interest to CMS  (posted 2022-12-07)NASA Research Opportunity: ROSES 2022 F.5 Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology – Notices of Intent are not requested. Proposals are due February 7, 2023.  (posted 2022-11-29)White Paper Released: “The Science Needed for Robust, Scalable, and Credible Nature-based Climate Solutions for the United States.” – The white paper provides a road map for actionable information to foster nature-based climate solutions that work, and to avoid energy wasted on those that do not.  (posted 2022-10-17)RECORDING AVAILABLE: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information for Decision-Making – Download the report as a free PDF.  (posted 2022-10-06)Call for Members of the Science Definition Team for the Arctic-COLORS Field Campaign  (posted 2022-10-03)Registration is Open! CMS Science Team Meeting & Applications Workshop – September 26-28, 2022 at the AGU Conference Center in Washington, D.C.  (posted 2022-08-17)4th Carbon From Space Workshop Travel Awards  (posted 2022-08-15)Now Open! AGU Special Collection on Nature-based Climate Solutions  (posted 2022-08-09)AGU Session - Carbon Monitoring Systems Research and Applications – The deadline to submit abstracts to this session has been extended until 17 August, and AGU has waived the one lead author abstract limit.  (posted 2022-07-18)CMS Phase 2 Report – The CMS Phase 2 Report has been published. Now available here!  (posted 2022-06-14)New Research Opportunity! A.43 Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition New Vendor Onramp Evaluation – Notices of Intent due May 19. Proposals due July 21.  (posted 2022-05-02)New! Science Mission Directorate Bridge Program – SMD is soliciting applications from interested individuals in the community for participation as members of the SMD Bridge Program Workshop Organizing Committee. Applications are due by May 20, 2022.  (posted 2022-05-02)Development of a Framework for Evaluating Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information for Decision Making  (posted 2022-04-22)NASA Research Opportunity: ROSES 2022 A.6 Carbon Monitoring System: Continuing Prototype Product Development – Notices of Intent due August 2. Proposals due October 28.  (posted 2022-02-15)CMS Phase 3 Highlights Hyperwall Presentation available  (posted 2022-01-07)AGU Hyperwall Presentation - Wednesday, Dec. 15, 11AM  (posted 2021-12-07)F.5 FINESST Graduate Student Research Final Text and Due Date Released! – ROSES-2021 Amendment 50 releases final text and due date for F.5 FINESST. Notices of Intent are not requested. Proposals are due February 11, 2022.  (posted 2021-12-02)Fall Newsletter Released!  (posted 2021-10-21)NASA Earth Science Division Community Forum: Oct. 21, 2021 at 12:30pm ET. – NASA ESD leadership will update the community on the Earth System Observatory, the current Program of Record, and other Earth science news related to ESD.  (posted 2021-10-13)2021 AGU Sessions of Interest to CMS  (posted 2021-06-22)17 NEW Projects from CMS 2020 Solicitation!  (posted 2021-05-14)The 17th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS17) – June 14-17 Virtual meeting  (posted 2021-04-30)NASA Decadal Survey Community Forum (Virtual) – April 15, 2021. 1:00-3:00pm Eastern. For information on the Decadal, upcoming Community Forums, including teleconference and WebEx information, and to provide written feedback please refer to the Decadal Surveys web page.  (posted 2021-03-29)NASA Research Opportunity: Suomi NPP and JPSS Satellites Standard Products for Earth System Data Records – Optional notices of intent to propose are requested by January 27, 2021 and the due date for proposals is March 10, 2021.  (posted 2020-11-24)NASA Research Opportunity: The Science of Terra, Aqua, and Suomi-NPP--Proposals due Feb. 24, 2021 – ROSES-2020 Program Element A.33 The Science of Terra, Aqua, and Suomi-NPP solicits proposals to conduct integrative research using the data and products resulting from the Terra, Aqua, Suomi NPP, and JPSS (T/A/SNPP/JPSS) satellites. In addition, this program element aims to support the work of science discipline teams integrated across the T/A/SNPP/JPSS satellites (see Section 3 of this program element). This program element also provides an opportunity to develop new products for T/A/SNPP/JPSS by combining or fusing multi-sensor and multi-platform data, or by developing innovative approaches to data retrievals.  (posted 2020-11-24)NASA Graduate NRA proposal due date is Feb. 4, 2021. Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) – An optional pre-proposal teleconference is scheduled November 17, 2020 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Eastern Time. No earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start time, call 1-888-994-8796 (U.S.-only Toll Free) or 1-517-308-9203 (U.S. Toll) and use Participant Passcode: 3134590.  (posted 2020-11-03)COVID Salary Flexibility Extension for NASA SMD Grants – Because the government-wide flexibility in OMB memo M-20-26 ended on 9/30/20, NASA has issued Grant Notice 20-02 allowing us, on a case-by-case basis, to extend this flexibility so grantees may continue to pay salaries.  (posted 2020-10-01)Extended Due Date for NASA New (Early Career) Investigator Program in Earth Science – ROSES-2020 Amendment 53 delays the proposal due date for proposals to A.32 New (Early Career) Investigator Program in Earth Science to give more time for proposers displaced by fires in the west. Proposals are now due October 6, 2020.  (posted 2020-09-15)NASA Research Announcement: ROSES-2020 A.6 Carbon Monitoring System – Notices of intent were due August 31, 2020 and proposals are due October 16, 2020.  (posted 2020-09-14)Read the CMS Connections Summer 2020 newsletter here!  (posted 2020-09-14)NASA Research Opportunity: ROSES-2020 Amendment 49 releases final text for A.5 Carbon Cycle Science. Notices of intent are requested by September 28, 2020 and the due date for proposals is December 3, 2020. – ROSES-2020 Program Element A.5 Carbon Cycle Science solicits proposals for research focused on carbon stocks and fluxes between and within freshwater, marine systems, and land ecosystems, and their exchange with the atmosphere. It also targets improving understanding of carbon cycle processes and feedbacks in critical ecosystems that are particularly vulnerable to environmental change. Substantive use of remote sensing and/or airborne data is required in all studies.  (posted 2020-08-26)NASA Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) – for augmentations and funded extensions to existing funded awards to help make up for increased costs directly attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic. EOIs are due August 21, 2020 to help estimate the size of this new program.  (posted 2020-08-03)2020 AGU Sessions of Interest to CMS  (posted 2020-06-26)First Plenary Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Workshop – Thursday, July 9, 8:00am - 1:00pm PT / 11:00am - 4:00pm ET  (posted 2020-06-17)NASA Research Announcement for Commercial Smallsat Data Analysis – Mandatory Notices of Intent are due July 1, 2020 and 5-page proposals are due September 1, 2020. Click on title to see full announcement.  (posted 2020-06-16)NASA Science Mission Directorate Releases New Science Plan: Science 2020-2024: A Vision for Scientific Excellence – Members of the science community are invited to download the Science Mission Directorate's (SMD's) newest version of its Science Plan, Science 2020-2024: A Vision for Scientific Excellence, at  (posted 2020-05-29)Special Virtual Panel: Covid-19 and Its Impact on Global Carbon Emissions  (posted 2020-05-29)USFS-NASA Virtual Pitch Fest
  • 12 pitches will be presented by CMS PIs/Stakeholders
  • CMS Science Team Lead and several CMS Science Team members will participate on a USFS-NASA Pitch Fest Panel
  • CMS Applications Coordinator will be a moderator during the Pitch Fest
  (posted 2020-05-29)
Grants and Research during the COVID-19 Epidemic, FAQ Version 4.4 (31 March 2020)  (posted 2020-03-31)NASA ROSES 2020 Released – NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD) announces the release of its annual omnibus solicitation for basic and applied research, Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES) 2020 as NNH20ZDA001N on or about February 14, 2020, on the NSPIRES web page.  (posted 2020-02-15)15 NEW projects  (posted 2019-11-18)George Hurtt won 2019-2020 Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award  (posted 2019-11-18)ROSES-18 Amendment 66: New Opportunity in A.49, Carbon Monitoring System – Notices of Intent Due: March 25, 2019  (posted 2019-11-18)CMS Hyperwall Presentations available  (posted 2019-11-18)

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