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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

AGU 2020 Sessions of Interest

Due to the complexities this year on AGU’s online program platform, individual portions of each session (i.e., each oral, poster, and eLightning sub-sessions) have their own session ID and webpage and are not linked together. We have collected a list of sessions of interest and have links here to at least one portion of that session, but unfortunately do not have the capacity at this time to comb through the entire program to find links for all sub-sessions associated with every session of interest.

If you see a session here that interests you, please be sure to explore the online program further to see if there are other sub-sessions that are part of that session. We think the easiest way to do this is to click on the session convener’s name and see all other sessions associated with that individual.

CMS Session
Session ID Title
Numerous  Carbon Monitoring Systems Research and Applications
A081  The Effect of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Air Pollution and Urban Carbon Emissions I
A102  Constraining Greenhouse Gas Exchange Processes Using Remote Sensing and in Situ Observations I
A241  Remote Sensing of CH4 and CO2 from Space: The Expanding Observing System I
B001  A Decade of Progress in Global Carbon Cycle Science II Posters
B011  A Decade of Progress in Global Carbon Cycle Science I
B029  NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Mission: Instrument Performance, Data Product Validation, and Applications I
B041  Advances in Understanding Forest Dynamics Using Ecological Modeling and Remote Sensing I
B067  Regional Budgets, Trends, and Drivers of Major Greenhouse Gases (N2O, CH4, and CO2) I
B127  Tropical Forests Under a Changing Environment I
SY023  Science to Action: Transformative Partnerships and Knowledge Coproduction to Advance Decision-Relevant Science III Posters
SY024  Science to Action: Transformative Partnerships and Knowledge Coproduction to Advance Decision-Relevant Science I
SY026  Science to Action: Transformative Partnerships and Knowledge Coproduction to Advance Decision-Relevant Science II

View other sessions of interest to Carbon Cycle Science

Contact support to list an AGU Session of interest.