
  • Total number of posters: 84
  • Presenters are in bold.
  • Search Posters

  1. Poster Session 1 
    1. Carbon Dynamics
    2. Phase 2
  2. Poster Session 2 
    1. Crosscutting
    2. Vegetation Dynamics and Distribution
    3. Vegetation Structure and Function
  3. Poster Session 3 
    1. Fire Disturbance
    2. Modeling
    3. Permafrost and Hydrology
    4. Wildlife and Ecosystem Services

Poster Session 1 Monday (5/20) 4:30 ‐ 6:30 PM
Carbon Dynamics
Phase 2

Poster Session 2 Tuesday (5/21) 4:30 ‐ 6:30 PM
Vegetation Dynamics and Distribution
Vegetation Structure and Function

Poster Session 3 Wednesday (5/22) 4:30 ‐ 6:30 PM
Fire Disturbance
Permafrost and Hydrology
Wildlife and Ecosystem Services