2019 NASA Terrestrial Ecology Science Team Meeting Participants
169 registered as of Mar 14, 2025

Name Organization
Armston, John University of Maryland
Aronne, Mary NASA GSFC / ASRC Federal InuTeq
Baer, Allison University of Maryland
Ban, Zhaoxin University of California, Los Angeles
Basu, Sourish NASA GSFC GMAO / University of Maryland
Boelman, Natalie Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ.
Boucher, Peter University of Massachusetts Boston
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura Michigan Technological University
Bruening, Jamis University of Maryland
Bussard, Jessica NASA GSFC / SSAI
Campbell, Petya NASA GSFC / UMBC JCET
Chatterjee, Abhishek NASA JPL
Chen, Dong University of Maryland
Chen, Min University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chen, Shuli University of Arizona
Chopping, Mark Montclair State University
Commane, Róisín Columbia University
Cook, Bruce NASA GSFC
Davis, Kenneth (Ken) The Pennsylvania State University
Devadiga, Sadashiva NASA GSFC
Didan, Kamel The University of Arizona
Dolan, Katelyn University of Maryland
Dubayah, Ralph University of Maryland
Duncanson, Laura University of Maryland
Elmes, Arthur University of Massachusetts Boston
Elmore, Andrew UMCES Appalachian Laboratory
Evans, Carla RETIRED Jan 1, 2022
Falkowski, Michael (Mike) NASA Headquarters
Farina, Mary Montana State University
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola) NASA GSFC
Feng, Tuo University of Maryland, College Park
Fisher, Joshua Chapman University
Frankenberg, Christian Caltech
French, Nancy Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Friesz, Aaron NASA LP DAAC
Gatebe, Charles NASA GSFC / USRA
Goetz, Scott Northern Arizona University
Gray, Patrick University of Maine
Green, Pamela CUNY Advanced Science Research Center
Green, Robert (Rob) JPL
Griffith, Peter NASA GSFC
Hanan, Niall New Mexico State University
Harding, David NASA GSFC
He, Jiaying University of Maryland
He, Liyin Carnegie Institution for Science
Healey, Sean USDA Forest Service
Hearty, Thomas NASA GSFC / SGT
Hibbard, Kathy NASA HQ
Hodkinson, Dan NASA GSFC / SSAI
Hofton, Michelle University of Maryland
Holtzman, Nataniel (Natan) Stanford University
Hook, Simon JPL
Hoy, Elizabeth (Liz) NASA GSFC / Global Science and Technology, Inc.
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred) NASA GSFC / UMBC
Hurtt, George University of Maryland
Ilangakoon, Ginikanda Boise State University
Johnson, Matthew NASA Ames Research Center
Joiner, Joanna NASA GSFC
Jucks, Kenneth (Ken) NASA Headquarters
Justice, Christopher (Chris) University of Maryland
Keeling, Ralph UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Keenan, Trevor Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Keller, Michael USDA Forest Service
Kendig, Leanne NASA GSFC / GST
Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen University of Michigan
Kimball, John University of Montana
Konings, Alexandra Stanford University
Kuhn, Catherine McKinsey and Co
Lamb, Brian USGS
Lamb, Rachel Maryland Department of Environment (DEP)
Lan, Xin (Lindsay) NOAA
Larsen, Isaac University of Massachusetts
Larson, Elisabeth (Libby) NASA GSFC / SSAI
Lee, Ka Fai Calvin (Calvin) Deakin University
Lee, Sangchul University of Maryland
Liang, Mengyu (Amber) University of Maryland College Park
Loboda, Tatiana University of Maryland
Longo, Marcos Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Ludwig, Sarah (Ludda) U.S. EPA
Luo, Xiangzhong (Remi) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Ma, Lei University of Maryland
Magney, Troy University of California Davis
Maguire, Andrew (Andy) Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Malambo, Lonesome (moonga) Texas A&M University
Malone, Sparkle Yale University
Mao, Jiafu Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Margolis, Hank Retired
Marselis, Suzanne University of Maryland
Martinuzzi, Sebastian University of Wisconsin
Mascaro, Joe (T) Exploring
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff) NASA GSFC
McCarty, Greg (Gregory) USDA ARS
McGroddy, Megan NASA HQ / ADNET
Melack, John University of California
Melocik, Katherine (Katie) NASA GSFC/SSAI
Meng, Lin Vanderbilt University
Middleton, Elizabeth (Betsy) NASA GSFC
Miller, Charles (Chip) NASA JPL
Miller, David University of California Berkeley
Millet, Dylan University of Minnesota
Montesano, Paul NASA GSFC / ADNET
Moorcroft, Paul Harvard University
Moore, David (Dave) University of Arizona
Morton, Douglas (Doug) NASA GSFC
Munger, J. (Bill) Harvard University
Narine, Lana Auburn University
Neigh, Christopher (Chris) NASA GSFC
Neuenschwander, Amy University of Texas
Nickeson, Jaime NASA GSFC / SSAI
O'Leary, Donal University of Maryland, College Park
Olofsson, Pontus NASA MSFC
Palace, Michael University of New Hampshire
Parazoo, Nicholas (Nick) JPL
Pierrat, Zoe University of California
Pinto, Naiara JPL
Popescu, Sorin Texas A&M University
Portillo, Diane SSAI @ NASA GSFC
Powell, Elisabeth (Lizzy) University of Maryland
Qi, Junyu University of Maryland
Qiu, Han University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ranson, Kenneth (Jon) NASA GSFC
Rappaport, Danielle University of Maryland
Restrepo-Coupe, Natalia University of Arizona
Rogers, Brendan Woodwell Climate Research Center
Román, Miguel NASA GSFC / USRA
Ross, C. (Wade) New Mexico State University
Roy Chowdhury, Taniya University of Maryland
Saatchi, Sassan Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Schaaf, Crystal University of Massachusetts Boston
Schaefer, Kevin National Snow and Ice Data Center
Schimel, David (Dave) JPL
Sexton, Joe TerraPulse Inc.
Shrestha, Gyami USDA
Shrestha, Ranjay NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Silva, Carlos University of Maryland
Simard, Marc (Mac) Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Siqueira, Paul University of Massachusetts
Skakun, Sergii University of Maryland
Smith, William (Bill) University Of Arizona
Stokes, Eleanor (Kellie) NASA GSFC / USRA
Stovall, Atticus NASA GSFC / UMD
Subburayalu, Sakthi Kumaran Ohio State University
Sun, Wu Carnegie Institution for Science
Swanson, Christine University of Florida
Tang, Hao National University of Singapore
Thaler, Evan University of Massachusetts
Thomas, Nathan NASA GSFC / ESSIC UMD
Thornton, Michele ORNL
Townsend, Philip (Phil) University of Wisconsin
Treuhaft, Robert Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
van Wagtendonk, Elizabeth (Liz) University of Washington
Vargas Zesati, Sergio University of Texas at El Paso
Vermote, Eric NASA GSFC
Wang, Panshi TerraPulse Inc.
Wang, Xian University of Arizona
Wang, Zhuosen NASA GSFC/University of Maryland
Watts, Jennifer Woodwell Climate Research Center
Webb, Elizabeth University of Florida
Wei, Chenyang State University of New York, Buffalo
Welch, Jessica (Jess) ORNL DAAC
Wessels, Konrad George Mason University
Wilson, Bruce Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Yang, Xi University of Virginia
Yoshida, Yasuko NASA GSFC / SSAI
Yu, Qiuyan New Mexico State University
Zhang, Xuesong USDA Agricultural Research Service
Zhang, Zhen University of Maryland

Workshop: 59 registered as of Mar 14, 2025
Name Organization In-Person
Baer, Allison University of Maryland
Ban, Zhaoxin University of California, Los Angeles
Chatterjee, Abhishek NASA JPL
Chen, Dong University of Maryland
Chen, Min University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chen, Shuli University of Arizona
Commane, Róisín Columbia University
Didan, Kamel The University of Arizona
Farina, Mary Montana State University
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola) NASA GSFC
French, Nancy Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Griffith, Peter NASA GSFC
He, Jiaying University of Maryland
He, Liyin Carnegie Institution for Science
Hearty, Thomas NASA GSFC / SGT
Hoy, Elizabeth (Liz) NASA GSFC / Global Science and Technology, Inc.
Hurtt, George University of Maryland
Ilangakoon, Ginikanda Boise State University
Keenan, Trevor Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen University of Michigan
Kimball, John University of Montana
Konings, Alexandra Stanford University
Kuhn, Catherine McKinsey and Co
Lamb, Brian USGS
Lan, Xin (Lindsay) NOAA
Larsen, Isaac University of Massachusetts
Lee, Ka Fai Calvin (Calvin) Deakin University
Ludwig, Sarah (Ludda) U.S. EPA
Luo, Xiangzhong (Remi) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Magney, Troy University of California Davis
Maguire, Andrew (Andy) Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Malambo, Lonesome (moonga) Texas A&M University
McGroddy, Megan NASA HQ / ADNET
Meng, Lin Vanderbilt University
Middleton, Elizabeth (Betsy) NASA GSFC
Miller, David University of California Berkeley
Narine, Lana Auburn University
Olofsson, Pontus NASA MSFC
Parazoo, Nicholas (Nick) JPL
Pierrat, Zoe University of California
Popescu, Sorin Texas A&M University
Ross, C. (Wade) New Mexico State University
Roy Chowdhury, Taniya University of Maryland
Sexton, Joe TerraPulse Inc.
Shrestha, Gyami USDA
Silva, Carlos University of Maryland
Skakun, Sergii University of Maryland
Sun, Wu Carnegie Institution for Science
Swanson, Christine University of Florida
Tang, Hao National University of Singapore
Thaler, Evan University of Massachusetts
Thornton, Michele ORNL
Wang, Xian University of Arizona
Webb, Elizabeth University of Florida
Wei, Chenyang State University of New York, Buffalo
Welch, Jessica (Jess) ORNL DAAC
Yu, Qiuyan New Mexico State University
Zhang, Xuesong USDA Agricultural Research Service