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National Aeronautics and Space Administration


George Hurtt - Science Team Leader

Phase 3:

CMS 2023 Solicitation Projects | Science Team Members

CMS 2022 Solicitation Projects | Science Team Members

CMS 2020 Solicitation Projects | Science Team Members

CMS 2018 Solicitation Projects | Science Team Members


Phase 2:

CMS 2016 Solicitation Projects | Science Team Members

CMS 2015 Solicitation Projects | Science Team Members

CMS 2014 Solicitation Projects | Science Team Members

CMS 2013 Solicitation Projects | Science Team Members

CMS 2011 Solicitation Projects | Science Team Members


Phase 1:

CMS Phase 1 (2010-2012) Projects | Science Team Members

CMS Science Definition Team (2011-2012) Projects | Science Team Members


16 Projects - 2023 Solicitation

Science Team MembersProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Primary ThemeProject Dates
Chatterjee, Abhishek
Chatterjee (CMS 2023): CMS-Urban: A CMS Prototype Framework to Deliver Urban Sectoral Emission Estimates Using Space- and Activity-Based Data   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2024 - 2027
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
Davis (CMS 2023): Toward Reconciliation of Decadal North American Top-Down Flux Estimates from Nested CMS-Flux and Continental-Scale Carbon Flux Inventories   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2024 - 2027
French, Nancy
French (CMS 2023): Uncertainty and Scaling of Wildland Fire Emissions: Integrating Variability in Fuel Properties for Biomass Burning Carbon Emissions Inventory   >> Land Biomass 2024 - 2027
Guan, Kaiyu
Guan (CMS 2023): Continued Development Towards Robust Monitoring of Cropland Carbon Budget Under Management Interventions in the US Heartland: Integrating Satellite Observations, Bottom-Up and Top-Down Modeling   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2024 - 2027
Hall, Joanne
Hall (CMS 2023): Enhancing Accuracy and Reliability of Crop-Residue Burning Emissions for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories in a Climate-Smart Framework   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2024 - 2027
Hayes, Daniel
Hayes (CMS 2023): Phase 2 Prototype Development of a Scalable MRV Framework that Integrates Inventory Data, Remote Sensing, and Landscape Modeling to Support Stakeholder Decision-Making for Carbon in Managed Forests   >> Land Biomass 2024 - 2027
Hurtt, George
Hurtt (CMS 2023): High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment and Science Team Lead   >> Land Biomass 2024 - 2027
Jacob, Daniel
Jacob (CMS 2023): Continued Development and Application of a Prototype System for Exploiting Satellite Data to Improve Knowledge of Methane Emissions on Urban to Global Scales   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2024 - 2027
Keller, Michael
Keller (CMS 2023): Aboveground Carbon Stock Changes in Dynamic Tropical Forests   >> Land Biomass 2024 - 2027
Liu, Junjie
Liu (CMS 2023): Towards a Multi-Scale Near Real-Time Carbon Monitoring System for Vegetation Fires (CMS-Fire)   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2024 - 2027
Muñoz Royo, Carlos
Muñoz Royo (CMS 2023): A Scalable, Data-Informed, GPU-Based Modeling and Monitoring System to Quantify Nature-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal in the Ocean   >> Ocean-Atmosphere Flux 2024 - 2027
O'Connell, Jessica
O'Connell (CMS 2023): A Tide-Robust High-Resolution Blue Carbon Product for Fragmented Coastal Marshes   >> Land Biomass 2024 - 2027
Oda, Tomohiro (Tom)
Oda (CMS 2023): ODIAC - Global High-Resolution CO2 Emission Inventory in Support of Climate Science, Monitoring, and Mitigation Benchmarking   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2024 - 2027
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Simard (CMS 2023): Quantifying Lateral Export of Carbon Across the World's Major River Deltas   >> Land-Ocean Flux 2024 - 2027
Wolfe, Glenn
Wolfe (CMS 2023): BlueFlux-2: Multi-Scale Measurements of Blue Carbon Ecosystems to Support Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Southern Florida   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2024 - 2027
Zimmerman, Richard
Burdige, David
Hale, Richard (Rip)
Hill, Victoria
Zimmerman (CMS 2023): Prototype for a Blue Carbon Observatory: Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay - Where's the Peat?   >> Ocean Biomass 2024 - 2027


17 Projects - 2022 Solicitation

Science Team MembersProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Primary ThemeProject Dates
Arteaga, Lionel
Arteaga (CMS 2022): Advancing satellite-constrained modeled air-sea CO2 fluxes with a focus on the strength of the Southern Ocean carbon sink   >> Ocean-Atmosphere Flux 2023 - 2026
Barnes, Mallory
Novick, Kim
Barnes (CMS 2022): Better data, better decisions: new approaches for robust and credible carbon monitoring and accounting in Eastern US forests   >> Land Biomass 2023 - 2026
Bowman, Kevin
Bowman (CMS 2022): NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) in support of the Global Stocktake   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2023 - 2026
Carroll, Dustin
Carroll (CMS 2022): Closing the Carbon Cycle Loop: Quantifying Land-to-Sea Carbon Fluxes   >> Land-Ocean Flux 2023 - 2026
Cusworth, Daniel
Ayasse, Alana
Duren, Riley
Thorpe, Andrew
Cusworth (CMS 2022): Infusing CH4 and CO2 Point Source Emissions Data into Stakeholder Frameworks to Enable Mitigation and Uncover New Insights   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2023 - 2026
Dubayah, Ralph
Dubayah (CMS 2022): Pantropical structure and biomass mapping using the fusion of GEDI and TanDEM-X data - Phase II: expansion to new regions and estimating change   >> Land Biomass 2023 - 2026
Duncanson, Laura
Hunka, Neha
Duncanson (CMS 2022): Harmonizing Biomass Maps With Policy Needs: Development of National Prototypes for the Global Stocktake   >> Land Biomass 2023 - 2026
Hudak, Andrew (Andy)
Hudak (CMS 2022): A Phase 3 CMS that disaggregates forest biomass estimates in response to stakeholder needs: Seeing the forest for the trees   >> Land Biomass 2023 - 2026
Kroeger, Kevin
Tzortziou, Maria
Zhu, Zhe
Kroeger (CMS 2022): An Alkalinity and Inorganic Blue Carbon Monitoring System: Crediting Wetland-to-Ocean Lateral Fluxes in Carbon Markets and Inventories   >> Land-Ocean Flux 2023 - 2026
Lin, John
Oda, Tomohiro (Tom)
Lin (CMS 2022): Towards a Carbon Monitoring System for Urban Carbon Emissions (CMS-Cities) in Support of Emissions Reporting and Assessment   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2023 - 2026
Moskal, L. Monika (Monika)
Moskal (CMS 2022): Teal Carbon – Phase 2: Scaling Wetland Carbon Accounting and Uncertainty Estimation to Meet Stakeholder Policy and Decision-Making Needs   >> Lake Biomass 2023 - 2026
Peteet, Dorothy
Tzortziou, Maria
Peteet (CMS 2022): Wet Carbon Monitoring and Accounting System for Urban Coastlines   >> Land-Ocean Flux 2023 - 2026
Rousseaux, Cecile
Chini, Louise
Clark, J. Blake (Blake)
Rousseaux (CMS 2022): Integrating lateral carbon fluxes into CMS ocean carbon estimates   >> Land-Ocean Flux 2023 - 2026
Schuh, Andrew
Baker, Ian
Schuh (CMS 2022): Using a Novel Multiscale Modeling Framework to Characterize Brazil’s Carbon Cycle   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2023 - 2026
Silva, Carlos Alberto
Atkins, Jeff
Silva (CMS 2022): CMS4D: A multi-scale data-fusion prototype system for the next generation of carbon dynamics monitoring from space: a case study in the Brazilian Cerrado – fire and fuel in a biodiversity hotspot   >> Land Biomass 2023 - 2026
Worden, John
Worden (CMS 2022): Global methane budgets with improved information content, spatial resolution, and science/policy utility through integration of GOSAT, TROPOMI, and AVIRIS-NG data sets   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2023 - 2026
Zhang, Xuesong
Hively, Dean
Zhang (CMS 2022): Monitoring Changes in the Carbon Budget of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Caused by Agricultural Conservation through Integrating Remote Sensing Data and Modeling   >> Land Biomass 2023 - 2026


17 Projects - 2020 Solicitation

Science Team MembersProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Primary ThemeProject Dates
Armston, John
Wessels, Konrad
Armston (CMS 2020): Savanna-Bio: Biomass estimation with new spaceborne missions for MRV in Dry Forests and Savannas   >> Land Biomass 2021 - 2024
Bandaru, Varaprasad (Prasad)
Bandaru (CMS 2020): Improving, Evaluating, and Extending Satellite-Based High Resolution Cropland Carbon Monitoring System   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2021 - 2024
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Byrne, Brendan
Feng, Sha
Liu, Junjie
Davis (CMS 2020): Preparing the global CMS Flux system for application to carbon flux inventories via regional-scale, observation-based evaluations   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2021 - 2024
Dietze, Michael
Serbin, Shawn
Dietze (CMS 2020): Multisensor data assimilation to support terrestrial carbon cycle and disturbance Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Forecasting   >> Land Biomass 2021 - 2024
Feng, Sha
Andrews, Arlyn
Hu, Lei
Steward, Jeffrey
Zheng, Tao
Feng (CMS 2020): Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System - Follow-On   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2021 - 2024
Hannun, Reem
Hurtt, George
Hannun (CMS 2020): Linking Forest Biomass and Carbon Exchange Using LiDAR-Derived Forest Structure and Airborne Flux Observations   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2021 - 2024
Hayes, Daniel
Guay, Anthony (Tony)
Legaard, Kasey
Weiskittel, Aaron
Hayes (CMS 2020): Supporting Stakeholder Data Requirements for Decision-Making in Managed Forests: A Landscape Model-Data Framework for High Resolution Carbon Accounting and Uncertainty Estimation   >> Land Biomass 2021 - 2024
Hurtt, George
Dubayah, Ralph
Hansen, Matthew (Matt)
Lister, Andrew
Tang, Hao
Hurtt (CMS 2020): High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to National and Global Scales and Science Team Lead   >> Land Biomass 2021 - 2024
Jacob, Daniel
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Jacob (CMS 2020): Continued development and application of a prototype system for exploiting satellite data to improve knowledge of methane emission fluxes with focus on North America   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2021 - 2024
Kennedy, Robert
Babcock, Chad
Bell, David (Dave)
Hudak, Andrew (Andy)
Kane, Van
Saah, David
Kennedy (CMS 2020): Developing a framework to quantify uncertainty and harmonize diverse earth observation estimates of forest carbon   >> Land Biomass 2021 - 2024
Ott, Lesley
Chatterjee, Abhishek
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben)
Ott (CMS 2020): GEOS-Carb IV: Delivering low-latency carbon flux and concentration datasets in support of NASA's Carbon Monitoring System   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2021 - 2024
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben)
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Hannun, Reem
Lagomasino, David
Rosentreter, Judith
Wolfe, Glenn
Poulter (CMS 2020): Blue Carbon Prototype Products for Mangrove Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes (BLUEFLUX)   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2021 - 2024
Runkle, Benjamin (Ben)
Guan, Kaiyu
Peng, Bin
Runkle (CMS 2020): A national quantification of methane emissions from rice cultivation in the U.S.: integrating multi-source satellite data and process-based modeling   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2021 - 2024
Saatchi, Sassan
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Bowman, Kevin
Cook-Patton, Susan
Harris, Nancy
Saatchi (CMS 2020): Bottom-up Spatial Estimates of Carbon Pools and Fluxes of Terrestrial Ecosystems Attributed to Land Use and Environmental Effects   >> Land Biomass 2021 - 2024
Sun, Ying
Lehmann, Johannes
Liu, Junjie
Woolf, Dominic
Sun (CMS 2020): A High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring System for East Africa: Unifying Top-Down Atmospheric Inversion and Bottom-Up Next-Generation Vegetation-Soil Models and Observations   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2021 - 2024
Vargas, Rodrigo
Vargas (CMS 2020): Carbon monitoring system across Mexico: continued development and application at the national scale   >> Land Biomass 2021 - 2024
Zhu, Qing
Chen, Min
McNicol, Gavin
Zhu (CMS 2020): Prototyping a monitoring system of global wetland CH4 emissions with machine learning and satellite remote sensing   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2021 - 2024


15 Projects - 2018 Solicitation

Science Team MembersProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Primary ThemeProject Dates
Chatterjee, Abhishek
Hurtt, George
Miller, John
Ott, Lesley
Schimel, David (Dave)
Chatterjee (CMS 2018): Synthesis, Reconciliation and Assessment of CMS Prototype Products   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2019 - 2022
Cochrane, Mark
Eshleman, Keith
Zhang, Xiaoyang
Cochrane (CMS 2018): Effectiveness and monitoring of large-scale carbon-loss mitigation activities in Indonesia’s peatlands   >> Land Biomass 2019 - 2022
Cook, Bruce
Alonzo, Michael
Andersen, Hans
Babcock, Chad
Cook (CMS 2018): NASA-USFS Partnership to Advance Operational Forest Carbon Monitoring in Interior Alaska   >> Land Biomass 2019 - 2022
Dubayah, Ralph
Armston, John
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Dubayah (CMS 2018): Pantropical structure and biomass mapping using the fusion of GEDI and TanDEM-X data   >> Land Biomass 2019 - 2022
Duren, Riley
Cusworth, Daniel
Dennison, Philip (Phil)
Thorpe, Andrew
Yadav, Vineet (Yadav)
Duren (CMS 2018): Multi-tiered Carbon Monitoring System   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2019 - 2022
Goés, Joaquim
Wei, Jianwei
Goes (CMS 2018): Bio-Optical Monitoring and Evaluation System (BIOMES) for improving satellite estimates of Ocean Net Primary Production for Carbon Cycling and Climate Change studies   >> Ocean Biomass 2019 - 2022
Holmquist, James
Megonigal, Patrick
Oikawa, Patty
Holmquist (CMS 2018): Data-Model Integration for Monitoring and Forecasting Coastal Wetland Carbon Exchanges: Serving Local to National Greenhouse Gas Inventories   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2019 - 2022
Hudak, Andrew (Andy)
Kennedy, Robert
Hudak (CMS 2018): A bottom-up, stakeholder-driven CMS for regional biomass carbon dynamics: Phase II   >> Land Biomass 2019 - 2022
Lin, John
Raczka, Brett
Lin (CMS 2018): Carbon Monitoring System in Mountains (CMS-Mountains): Leveraging Satellite-based Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Understand Forest Drought and Mortality in the Western U.S.   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2019 - 2022
Mitchell, Catherine
Mitchell (CMS 2018): Remote sensing methods to characterize, quantify and monitor carbon in a continental shelf sea   >> Ocean Biomass 2019 - 2022
Moskal, L. Monika (Monika)
Halabisky, Meghan
Moskal (CMS 2018): Teal Carbon – Stakeholder-driven Monitoring of Forested Wetland Carbon   >> Land Biomass 2019 - 2022
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben)
Brown, Molly
Delgado Arias, Sabrina
Escobar, Vanessa
Griffith, Peter
Hurtt, George
Liddy, Hannah
Sepulveda Carlo, Edil
Poulter (CMS 2018): Continuation of CMS Applications Efforts: Stakeholder Engagement and Socioeconomic Studies on the Value of CMS Data Products for User Organizations   >> MRV 2019 - 2022
Qi, Junyu
Wickland, Kimberly (Kim)
Zhang, Xuesong
Qi (CMS 2018): An Aquatic Ecosystem Carbon Monitoring System (AECMS) for Quantifying Carbon Fluxes, Sources and Sinks of Inland Waters: Development and Verification in the Upper Mississippi River Basin   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2019 - 2023
Woodcock, Curtis
Woodcock (CMS 2018): A pantropical monitoring system of carbon emissions and removals from forest degradation, deforestation, and forest expansion and growth   >> Land Biomass 2019 - 2022
Worden, John
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Frankenberg, Christian
Jacob, Daniel
Worden (CMS 2018): Quantifying and Partitioning the Global Methane Budget Using Satellite and Ground Based Measurements Of CH4 and Tracers of Its Sources and Sinks   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2019 - 2022


14 Projects - 2016 Solicitation

Science Team MembersProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Primary ThemeProject Dates
Andrews, Arlyn
Hu, Lei
Michalak, Anna
Miller, John
Andrews (CMS 2016): Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System--Follow-on   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2017 - 2020
Bowman, Kevin
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Lee, Meemong
Liu, Junjie
Menemenlis, Dimitris
Bowman (CMS 2016): A decadal carbon reanalysis from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) project   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2017 - 2020
Dietze, Michael
Serbin, Shawn
Dietze (CMS 2016): A prototype data assimilation system for the terrestrial carbon cycle to support Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification   >> Land Biomass 2017 - 2020
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Lagomasino, David
Lee, SeungKuk
Liu, Xue
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben)
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Trettin, Carl
Fatoyinbo (CMS 2016): Estimating Total Ecosystem Carbon in Blue Carbon and Tropical Peatland Ecosystems   >> Land Biomass 2017 - 2020
Greenberg, Jonathan
Greenberg (CMS 2016): Three dimensional change detection of aboveground biomass   >> Land Biomass 2017 - 2020
Guan, Kaiyu
Alden, Caroline
Peng, Bin
Guan (CMS 2016): Improving the monitoring capability of carbon budget for the US Corn Belt - integrating multi-source satellite data with improved land surface modeling and atmospheric inversion   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2017 - 2020
Healey, Sean
Patterson, Paul
Healey (CMS 2016): Piloting a GEDI-based Forest Carbon Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Tool   >> Land Biomass 2017 - 2020
Hurtt, George
Dubayah, Ralph
Sahajpal, Ritvik
Tang, Hao
Hurtt (CMS 2016): High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to Regional and National Scales   >> Land Biomass 2017 - 2020
Jacob, Daniel
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Jacob (CMS 2016): Improved understanding of methane emissions and trends in North America and globally through a unified top-down and bottom-up approach exploiting GOSAT and TROPOMI satellite data   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2017 - 2020
Ott, Lesley
Kawa, Stephan (Randy)
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben)
Rousseaux, Cecile
Ott (CMS 2016): GEOS-Carb III: Delivering mature carbon flux and concentration datasets in support of NASA's Carbon Monitoring System   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2017 - 2020
Randerson, James (Jim)
Chen, Yang
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
Randerson (CMS 2016): Optimizing the Global Fire Emissions Database for carbon monitoring   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2017 - 2020
Sayers, Michael (Mike)
Fahnenstiel, Gary
Shuchman, Robert (Bob)
Sayers (CMS 2016): New Carbon Monitoring Products for Global Freshwater Lakes using Satellite Remote Sensing Time Series Data   >> Ocean Biomass 2017 - 2020
Sedano, Fernando
Duncanson, Laura
Sedano (CMS 2016): Forest degradation driven by charcoal production: characterization, quantification and forecasting to improve carbon monitoring systems in southern Africa   >> Land Biomass 2017 - 2020
Vargas, Rodrigo
Park, Taejin
Vargas (CMS 2016): Carbon monitoring systems across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+: maximizing benefits and knowledge   >> Land Biomass 2017 - 2020


15 Projects - 2015 Solicitation

Science Team MembersProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Primary ThemeProject Dates
Baccini, Alessandro (Ale)
Baccini (CMS 2015): Time-Series Measurements of Biomass Change from InSAR (TanDEM-X), MODIS, and LiDAR Observations   >> Land Biomass 2016 - 2019
Cochrane, Mark
Cochrane (CMS 2015): Continuation and expansion to a national-scale of the filling a critical gap in Indonesia's national carbon monitoring, reporting, and verification capabilities for supporting REDD+ activities: Incorporating, quantifying and locating fire emissions from within tropical peat-swamp forests project   >> Land Biomass 2016 - 2019
Cook, Bruce
Andersen, Hans
Cook (CMS 2015): Remote Sensing as a Bridge to Operational Forest Carbon Monitoring in Interior Alaska   >> Land Biomass 2016 - 2019
Duren, Riley
Duren (CMS 2015): Prototype methane monitoring system for California   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2016 - 2019
Elvidge, Christopher (Chris)
Zhizhin, Mikhail
Elvidge (CMS 2015): Global monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) system for carbon emissions from natural gas flaring   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2016 - 2019
Escobar, Vanessa
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
Escobar (CMS 2015): CMS Applications: Stakeholder Engagement and Analysis of CMS Data Products in Decision Making and Policy Frameworks   >> MRV 2016 - 2019
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Duncanson, Laura
Neuenschwander, Amy
Fatoyinbo (CMS 2015): Future Mission Fusion for High Biomass Forest Carbon Accounting   >> Land Biomass 2016 - 2019
Izaurralde, Roberto (Cesar)
Bandaru, Varaprasad (Prasad)
Izaurralde (CMS 2015): Cropland Carbon Monitoring System (CCMS): A satellite-based system to estimate carbon fluxes on U.S. Croplands   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2016 - 2019
Kawa, Stephan (Randy)
Kawa (CMS 2015): Airborne Eddy Flux Measurements for Validation/Evaluation of High-Resolution MRV Systems   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2016 - 2017
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy (CMS 2015): Tools to bridge the gap between static CMS maps, models, and stakeholders   >> Land Biomass 2016 - 2019
Lin, John
Raczka, Brett
Lin (CMS 2015): Towards a Complex Terrain Carbon Monitoring System (CMS-Mountains): Development and Testing in the Western U.S.   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2016 - 2019
Miller, John
Basu, Sourish
Miller (CMS 2015): Disaggregating Amazon Basin fire fluxes using remote sensing of atmospheric carbon monoxide and burned area   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2016 - 2019
Nehrkorn, Thomas
Hutyra, Lucy
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Nehrkorn (CMS 2015): Prototype regional carbon monitoring systems for urban regions   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2016 - 2019
Olofsson, Pontus
Olofsson (CMS 2015): Tracking carbon emissions and removals by time series analysis of the land surface: prototype application in tropical MRV systems compliant with IPCC Tier 3   >> Land Biomass 2016 - 2019
Saatchi, Sassan
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Bowman, Kevin
Yu, Yifan
Saatchi (CMS 2015): Annual GHG Inventory and MRV System for the US Forestlands   >> Land Biomass 2016 - 2019


15 Projects - 2014 Solicitation

Science Team MembersProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Primary ThemeProject Dates
Andrews, Arlyn
Hu, Lei
Michalak, Anna
Miller, John
Andrews (CMS 2014): Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2014 - 2018
Baker, David
Baker (CMS 2014): A Global High-Resolution Atmospheric Data Assimilation System for Carbon Flux Monitoring and Verification   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2014 - 2018
Bowman, Kevin
Gurney, Kevin
Henze, Daven
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie)
Liu, Junjie
Menemenlis, Dimitris
Bowman (CMS 2014): Continuation of the CMS-Flux Pilot Project   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2014 - 2017
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Lagomasino, David
Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014): Total Carbon Estimation in African Mangroves and Coastal Wetlands in Preparation for REDD and Blue Carbon Credits   >> Land Biomass 2014 - 2018
Ganguly, Sangram
Milesi, Cristina
Nemani, Ramakrishna (Rama)
Park, Taejin
Ganguly (CMS 2014): Reducing Uncertainties in Satellite-Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates Using a High Resolution Forest Cover Map   >> Land Biomass 2014 - 2017
Greenberg, Jonathan
Greenberg (CMS 2014): Reducing Uncertainties in Estimating California's Forest Carbon Stocks   >> Land Biomass 2014 - 2018
Hudak, Andrew (Andy)
Kennedy, Robert
Hudak (CMS 2014): Prototyping A Methodology To Develop Regional-Scale Forest Aboveground Biomass Carbon Maps Predicted From Landsat Time Series, Trained From Field and Lidar Data Collections, And Independently Validated With FIA Data   >> Land Biomass 2014 - 2019
Hurtt, George
DeCola, Philip (Phil)
Dolan, Katelyn
Dubayah, Ralph
Hurtt (CMS 2014): High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continuing Prototype Development and Deployment   >> Land Biomass 2014 - 2018
Jacob, Daniel
Bowman, Kevin
Jacob (CMS 2014): High-Resolution Constraints on North American and Global Methane Sources Using Satellites   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2014 - 2017
Lohrenz, Steven (Steve)
Tian, Hanqin
Lohrenz (CMS 2014): An Integrated Terrestrial-Coastal Ocean Observation and Modeling Framework for Carbon Management Decision Support   >> Land-Ocean Flux 2014 - 2018
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
Morton (CMS 2014): Long-Term Carbon Consequences of Amazon Forest Degradation   >> Land Biomass 2014 - 2017
Ott, Lesley
Collatz, George (Jim)
Kawa, Stephan (Randy)
Oda, Tomohiro (Tom)
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben)
Ott (CMS 2014): GEOS-Carb II: Delivering Carbon Flux and Concentration Products Based on the GEOS Modeling System   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2014 - 2017
Walker, Wayne
Walker (CMS 2014): Direct Measurement of Aboveground Carbon Dynamics in Support of Large-Area CMS Development   >> Land Biomass 2014 - 2018
Williams, Christopher (Chris)
Gu, Huan
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben)
Williams (CMS 2014): Translating Forest Change to Carbon Emissions/Removals Linking Disturbance Products, Biomass Maps, and Carbon Cycle Modeling in a Comprehensive Carbon Monitoring Framework   >> Land Biomass 2014 - 2017
Windham-Myers, Lisamarie
Byrd, Kristin
Holmquist, James
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Windham-Myers (CMS 2014): Linking Satellite and Soil Data to Validate Coastal Wetland 'Blue Carbon' Inventories: Upscaled Support for Developing MRV and REDD+ Protocols   >> Land Biomass 2014 - 2018


17 Projects - 2013 Solicitation

For an overview of all CMS 2013 data & products, see CMS Data & Products Fact Sheet.

Science Team MembersProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Primary ThemeProject Dates
Asrar, Ghassem
West, Tristram (Tris)
Asrar-West (CMS 2013): Carbon Monitoring of Agricultural Lands: Developing a Globally Consistent Estimate of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2013 - 2016
Cochrane, Mark
Saharjo, Bambang
Yokelson, Bob
Cochrane (CMS 2013): Filling a Critical Gap in Indonesia's National Carbon Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Capabilities for Supporting REDD+ Activities: Incorporating, Quantifying and Locating Fire Emissions from Within Tropical Peat-swamp Forests   >> Land Biomass 2013 - 2016
Cohen, Warren
Andersen, Hans
Domke, Grant
Moisen, Gretchen
Schroeder, Todd
Cohen (CMS 2013): An Historically Consistent and Broadly Applicable MRV System Based on Lidar Sampling and Landsat Time-series (Tested in the US, and applied to the US NGHGI reporting system)   >> Land Biomass 2013 - 2016
Collatz, George (Jim)
Collatz (CMS 2013): Improving and extending CMS land surface carbon flux products including estimates of uncertainties in fluxes and biomass   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2013 - 2016
Dubayah, Ralph
Hurtt, George
Swatantran, Anuradha (Anu)
Zhao, Maosheng
Dubayah (CMS 2013): Development of a Prototype MRV System to Support Carbon Ecomarket Infrastructure in Sonoma County   >> Land Biomass 2013 - 2016
Dubey, Manvendra (Dubey)
Dubey (CMS 2013): Off-the-shelf Commercial Compact Solar FTS for CO2 and CH4 Observations for MRV   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2013 - 2016
Duren, Riley
Gurney, Kevin
Saatchi, Sassan
Woodall, Christopher (Chris)
Duren (2013): Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information   >> Land Biomass 2013 - 2016
Escobar, Vanessa
Escobar (CMS 2013): Applications of the NASA Carbon Monitoring System: Engagement, Use, and Evaluation   >> MRV 2013 - 2016
Graven, Heather
Fischer, Marc
Keeling, Ralph
Parazoo, Nicholas (Nick)
Graven (CMS 2013): Quantifying fossil and biospheric CO2 fluxes in California using ground-based and satellite observations   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2013 - 2016
Hagen, Stephen (Steve)
Hagen (CMS 2013): Operational multi-sensor design for national scale forest carbon monitoring to support REDD+ MRV systems   >> Land Biomass 2013 - 2016
Keller, Michael
Duffy, Paul
Keller (CMS 2013): A data assimilation approach to quantify uncertainty for estimates of biomass stocks and changes in Amazon forests   >> Land Biomass 2013 - 2016
Kellndorfer, Josef
Olofsson, Pontus
Kellndorfer (CMS 2013): Time Series Fusion of Optical and Radar Imagery for Improved Monitoring of Activity Data, and Uncertainty Analysis of Emission Factors for Estimation of Forest Carbon Flux   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2013 - 2016
Lauvaux, Thomas
Lauvaux (CMS 2013): Quantification of the sensitivity of NASA CMS Flux inversions to uncertainty in atmospheric transport   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2013 - 2017
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
Cook, Bruce
Morton (CMS 2013): A Joint USFS-NASA Pilot Project to Estimate Forest Carbon Stocks in Interior Alaska by Integrating Field, Airborne and Satellite Data   >> Land Biomass 2013 - 2017
Nehrkorn, Thomas
DeCola, Philip (Phil)
Hutyra, Lucy
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Schaaf, Crystal
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Nehrkorn (CMS 2013): Prototype Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System for the Regional Scale: The Boston-DC Corridor   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2013 - 2016
Stehman, Stephen (Steve)
Stehman (CMS 2013): Developing Statistically Rigorous Sampling Design and Analysis Methods to Reduce and Quantify Uncertainties Associated with Carbon Monitoring Systems   >> Land Biomass 2013 - 2016
Vargas, Rodrigo
Birdsey, Richard (Rich)
Johnson, Kristofer (Kris)
Vargas (CMS 2013): A framework for carbon monitoring and upscaling in forests across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+   >> Land Biomass 2013 - 2016


20 Projects - 2011 Solicitation

For an overview of all 2011 data & products, see CMS Data & Products Fact Sheet.

Science Team MembersProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Primary ThemeProject Dates
Andrews, Arlyn
Andrews (CMS 2011): North American Regional-Scale Flux Estimation and Observing System Design for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2012 - 2014
Balch, William (Barney)
Balch (OBB 2009): Coccolithophores of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas: Harbingers of a polar biogeochemical province in transition?   >> Ocean Biomass 2010 - 2014
Behrenfeld, Michael
Behrenfeld (NOPP 2009): Characterizing the Phytoplankton Component of Oceanic Particle Assemblages   >> Ocean Biomass 2010 - 2015
Bowman, Kevin
Brix, Holger
Denning, Scott
Frankenberg, Christian
Gurney, Kevin
Henze, Daven
Hill, Christopher (Chris)
Lee, Meemong
Liu, Junjie
Marland, Eric
Menemenlis, Dimitris
Bowman (CMS 2011): Continuation of the Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2012 - 2014
Cook, Bruce
Finley, Andrew (Andy)
Cook (CMS 2011): Improving Forest Biomass Mapping Accuracy with Optical-LiDAR Data and Hierarchical Bayesian Spatial Models   >> Land Biomass 2012 - 2015
Dubayah, Ralph
Hurtt, George
Dubayah (CMS 2011): High Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: A CMS Phase 2 Study   >> Land Biomass 2012 - 2015
French, Nancy
Billmire, Michael
French (CMS 2011): Development of Regional Fire Emissions Products for NASA's Carbon Monitoring System using the Wildland Fire Emissions Information System   >> Land Biomass 2012 - 2014
Healey, Sean
Healey (CMS 2011): A Global Forest Biomass Inventory Based upon GLAS Lidar Data   >> Land Biomass 2012 - 2014
Houghton, Richard (Skee)
Houghton (CMS 2011): Spatially Explicit Sources and Sinks of Carbon from Deforestation, Reforestation, Growth and Degradation in the Tropics: Development of a Method and a 10 Year Data Set 2000-2010   >> Land Biomass 2012 - 2014
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie)
Fisher, Joshua
Schwalm, Christopher
Huntzinger (CMS 2011): Reduction in Bottom-Up Land Surface CO2 Flux Uncertainty in NASA's Carbon Monitoring System Flux Project through Systematic Multi-Model Evaluation and Infrastructure Development   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2012 - 2014
Jacob, Daniel
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Jacob (CMS 2011): Use of GOSAT, TES, and Suborbital Observations to Constrain North American Methane Emissions in the Carbon Monitoring System   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2012 - 2014
Kennedy, Robert
Kane, Van
Powell, Scott
Kennedy (CMS 2011): Integrating and Expanding a Regional Carbon Monitoring System into the NASA CMS   >> Land Biomass 2012 - 2014
Loboda, Tatiana
Loboda (CMS 2011): The Forest Disturbance Carbon Tracking System -- A CMS Pilot Project   >> Land Biomass 2012 - 2014
Lohrenz, Steven (Steve)
Lohrenz (CMS 2011): Development of Observational Products and Coupled Models of Land-Ocean-Atmospheric Fluxes in the Mississippi River Watershed and Gulf of Mexico in Support of Carbon Monitoring   >> Land-Ocean Flux 2012 - 2014
Miller, John
Basu, Sourish
Miller (CMS 2011): In Situ CO2-Based Evaluation of the Carbon Monitoring System Flux Product   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2012 - 2014
Pawson, Steven
Baker, David
Kawa, Stephan (Randy)
Oda, Tomohiro (Tom)
Pawson (CMS 2011): GEOS-CARB: A Framework for Monitoring Carbon Concentrations and Fluxes   >> Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux 2012 - 2014
Saatchi, Sassan
Ganguly, Sangram
Harris, Nancy
Nemani, Ramakrishna (Rama)
Saatchi (CMS 2011): Prototyping MRV Systems Based on Systematic and Spatial Estimates of Carbon Stock and Stock Changes of Forestlands   >> Land Biomass 2012 - 2014
Shuchman, Robert (Bob)
Fahnenstiel, Gary
Shuchman (CMS 2011): Development of New Regional Carbon Monitoring Products for the Great Lakes Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data   >> Ocean-Atmosphere Flux 2012 - 2014
Verdy, Ariane
Key, Robert (Bob)
Verdy (CMS 2011): Towards a 4D-Var Approach for Estimation of Air-Sea Carbon Dioxide Fluxes   >> Ocean-Atmosphere Flux 2012 - 2014
West, Tristram (Tris)
West (CMS 2011): Estimating Global Inventory-Based Net Carbon Exchange from Agricultural Lands for Use in the NASA Flux Pilot Study   >> Land-Atmosphere Flux 2012 - 2014


CMS Phase 1 (2010-2012)

NASA Carbon Monitoring System Phase 1 Report (May 16, 2014) is released (June 27, 2014). This document summarizes the results of CMS-Phase 1 activities and is based on the written contributions from participating investigators from the Science Definintion Team, Pilot Projects, and Scoping Studies.

LeadsProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Project Dates
Gunson, Michael (Mike)
Jucks, Kenneth (Ken)
Pawson, Steven
Potter, Christopher
Gunson-Pawson-Potter (2009): NASA CMS Pilot Projects: Surface Carbon Fluxes   >> 2009 - 2011
Cook, Bruce
Hall, Forrest
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
Nemani, Ramakrishna (Rama)
Saatchi, Sassan
Tucker, Compton
Masek-Nemani-Saatchi-Tucker (2009): NASA CMS Pilot Projects: Biomass and Carbon Storage   >> 2009 - 2011
Balch, William (Barney)
Balch (OBB 2009): Coccolithophores of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas: Harbingers of a polar biogeochemical province in transition?   >> 2010 - 2014
Behrenfeld, Michael
Behrenfeld (NOPP 2009): Characterizing the Phytoplankton Component of Oceanic Particle Assemblages   >> 2010 - 2015
Friedrichs, Marjorie (Marjy)
Hofmann, Eileen
Friedrichs (IDS 2009): Impacts of Changing Climate and Land Use on Carbon Cycling and Budgets of the Coastal Ocean Margin: Observations, Analysis, and Modeling   >> 2011 - 2015
Gregg, Watson
Gregg (2011): Ocean CO2 Flux Maps   >> 2011 - 2012
Lohrenz, Steven (Steve)
Lohrenz (IDS 2009): Assessing Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on Terrestrial-Ocean Fluxes of Carbon and Nutrients and Their Cycling in Coastal Ecosystems   >> 2010 - 2013
Brown, Molly E.
Macauley, Molly
Policy, Management, and Decision Support >>  
Duren, Riley CMS System Design Study Report >>  


CMS Science Definition Team (2011-2012)

Science Definition Team MembersProject Title  (click >> to view profile)Project Dates
Arellano, Avelino (Ave)
Arellano (CMSSDT 2010): Development of a Carbon Monitoring System from an Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation Perspective   >> 2011 - 2012
Brown, Molly
Brown (CMSSDT 2010): Developing a Framework for Evaluating CMS Pilot Products to Promote Engagement with the User Community   >> 2011 - 2012
French, Nancy
French (CMSSDT 2010): Biomass Burning Assistance for NASA's Carbon Monitoring System   >> 2011 - 2012
Healey, Sean
Healey (CMSSDT 2010): Assessing Potential Impacts of Ground Sample Bias in Global CMS Biomass Estimates, Now and in the DESDynI Era   >> 2011 - 2012
Houghton, Richard (Skee)
Houghton (CMSSDT 2010): Biomass for Carbon Budgeting   >> 2011 - 2012
Kasischke, Eric
Kasischke (CMSSDT 2010): Evaluation of Approaches for Assessing the Impacts of Natural Disturbances on Aboveground Carbon Storage in and Emissions from U.S. Forests - A Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team Proposal   >> 2011 - 2012
Kellndorfer, Josef
Kellndorfer (CMSSDT 2010): Mapping Biomass - Past Experiences and Future Directions in Data Fusion and Product Validation   >> 2011 - 2012
Michalak, Anna
Michalak (CMSSDT 2010): Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team membership proposal (Integrated Emission/Uptake Pilot Product)   >> 2011 - 2012
Shugart, Herman (Hank)
Shugart (CMSSDT 2010): Carbon Monitoring   >> 2011 - 2012
Sun, Guoqing
Sun (CMSSDT 2010): Proposal to be a member of the Science Definition Team for Carbon Monitoring System (CMS)   >> 2011 - 2012
Treuhaft, Robert
Treuhaft (CMSSDT 2010): Data Fusion, Error Analysis, and a Global Biomass Product: Proposal for Membership on the Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team   >> 2011 - 2012
Woodcock, Curtis
Woodcock (CMSSDT 2010): Quantifying the accuracy and uncertainty in remote sensing products of land use change: implications for carbon monitoring   >> 2011 - 2012
Xiao, Jingfeng
Xiao (CMSSDT 2010): Providing Scientific and Technical Guidance to the Development and Evaluation of the Integrated Flux Pilot Product: Forcing Evaluation, Parameter Optimization, Uncertainty Assessment and Product Validation   >> 2011 - 2012