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(Posted Date)
Location Status Posted by
Director General >>
Helsinki, Finland Applications due 11/30/24 Integrated Carbon Observation System
2 postdoctoral researchers with a background in AI Modeling and Earth System Science >>
St. Paul, MN Open until filled University of Minnesota
Post-doc position in Earth system modelling of carbon dioxide removal >>
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Application review begins 10/21/2024 Simon Fraser University
Post-doctoral fellowship position in modelling the climate impacts of carbon dioxide removal >>
Toronto, Canada Application review begins 10/14/2024 University of Toronto
Postdoc - Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality >>
Hong Kong Open until filled University of Hong Kong
Postdoctoral Researcher >>
Athens, GA Open until filled University of Georgia
Postdoctoral Scholar - Gurney Lab, Urban Emissions >>
Flagstaff AZ Applications due 10/14/24 Northern Arizona University
Postdoctoral Scholar: Emerging Ocean Carbon Tech >>
Seattle, WA Open until filled University of Washington
Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Remote Sensing at the University of Rochester, NY >>
Rochester, NY Review of applications begins Nov. 1 University of Rochester
Assistant/Associate Professor in Physical Geography/Coastal Processes and Ecosystems >>
College Park, MD For best consideration, apply by 10/1/2024 University of Maryland
Associate Professor in Remote Sensing >>
College Park, MD For best consideration, apply by 10/1/2024 University of Maryland
Two Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions >>
Boston, MA Application review begins 10/15/2024 Boston University
1 MS or PhD student - Aho Biogeochemistry Lab >>
East Lansing, MI Open until filled Michigan State University
Assistant Professor of Geography >>
Los Angeles, CA Application review begins 10/14/2024 University of California
Environmental and Geospatial Science, Tenure-Track Faculty Member >>
Olympia, WA Application review begins 10/14/2024 Evergreen
Postdoc position in urban CO2 flux observations and modeling >>
Basel, Switzerland Application review begins 10/20/2024 University of Basel
Tenure-Track Position in Climate Science >>
Philadelphia, PA Application review begins 11/20/2024 University of Pennsylvania
Research Associate-Fixed Term >>
East Lansing, MI Application review begins 10/1/2024 Michigan State University
Soil and Crop Sciences Section Postdoctoral Associate >>
Ithaca, New York Applications due 11/30/24 Cornell University
Assistant Professor - Environmental Science >>
Ithaca, NY Application review begins 9/15/2024 Ithaca College
Assistant Professor, Ecology >>
Orlando, FL, or Winter Park, FL Application review begins 10/25/2024 Rollins College
Post Doc Res Assoc >>
Salt Lake City, UT Open until filled University of Utah
Postdoctoral Position in Future Blue Carbon Scenarios >>
Various Locations/Remote Application review begins 9/30/2024 Blue Carbon Canada
Postdoctoral Research Associate: carbon and water fluxes in California agroecosystems >>
Davis, California Applications due 10/31/24 University of California, Berkeley
Post Doc - Atmospheric Sciences >>
Salt Lake City, UT Open until filled University of Utah
Assistant Professor - Climate Change Solutions >>
Berkeley, CA Applications due 11/1/24 University of California, Berkeley
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Forestry) >>
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Application review begins 10/15/2024 Louisiana State University
Atmospheric Inverse modelling of GHG fluxes >>
Brno, Czech Open until filled Global Change Research Institute
CIRES/ EARTH LAB Fire Risk & Forest Resilience Project Manager PRA >>
Boulder, Colorado Application review begins 10/27/2024 University of Colorado Boulder
PhD and MSc student interested in studying the resilience of carbon storage and transformation processes in the Rio Grande’s floodplain forests to increasing water scarcity and changing hydrologic regimes >>
Albuquerque, NM Applications due 12/1/24 University of New Mexico
PhD opportunity – Response of US forests to climate change >>
Gainesville, FL Application review begins 10/15/2024 University of Florida
Postdoc – Ecosystem processes and demography of U.S. forests under climate change >>
remote and various locations Open until filled University of Florida
Research Associate in Environmental Sciences >>
Charlottesville, VA Application review begins 9/10/2024 University of Virginia
Postdoctoral Researcher: Depressional Wetland Carbon modeling through DayCent >>
Fort Collins, CO Open until filled Colorado State University
Associate Research Scientist in Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Connections >>
New York, NY Open until filled Columbia University
Data Analyst, GHG Accounting >>
Boulder, CO or Remote Open until filled Perennial
Open Source Lead >>
Remote Open until filled CarbonPlan
USDA-FS Fellowship on Advancing Survey Methodologies to Monitor Wood Product Harvesting Across the U.S. >>
Missoula, Montana Deadline: 10/25 USDA
CAN-PEAT - Develop and evaluate Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including Biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC) representation of undeveloped peatlands >>
Canada Open until filled University of Waterloo
Postdoctoral research position supporting the Canadian Optimized High-Resolution Representation of the National Terrestrial Carbon Cycle (COHERENT-C) project >>
Ottawa, CA Open until filled Carleton University
YCNCC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program – 2024 Call for Applications >>
New Haven, CT Applications due Dec. 1, 2024 Yale University
Postdoctoral Researcher and Ph.D. Student Positions >>
New Brunswick, NJ Applications due 12/15/24 Rutgers University
Lab and Field Research Assistant >>
Hanover, NH Open until filled Dartmouth College
Postdoc position: Spatio-temporal modeling of forest dynamics >>
Amherst, MA Application review begins 8/30/2024 University of Massachusetts
Data Science for Satellite Remote Sensing and Earth Science Research >>
Mountainview, CA Applications due 11/1/24 NASA Postdoctoral Program
Earthshot Geospatial Analyst >>
Remote Open until filled Earthshot Labs
Postdoctoral Program - Earth Science: Climate >>
New York City, New York Applications due 11/1/24 NASA Postdoctoral Program
Technical Advisor, ECO- Forests and GHG Accounting >>
Remote Open until filled Winrock International
Postdoctoral Research Assistant - Department of Biology >>
Morgantown, WV Application review begins 7/31/24 West Virginia University
2 Postdoc Openings: Global Change Ecology  >>
Nashville, Tennessee Open until filled Vanderbilt University
Postdoctoral Research Scientist focusing on grassland soil carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) modeling >>
Palisades, NY Open until filled Columbia University
Two postdoc positions for global land carbon sinks >>
Seoul, South Korea Open until filled Seoul National University
Applied Science Team Lead >>
San Francisco, California/Remote Open until filled Pachama
Earth Observation Data Scientist >>
Barcelona, Spain Open until filled Lobelia
Ocean Scientist >>
Boston, MA Open until filled Cascade Climate
Two Postdoctoral Research Scientists: (1) Urban Heat Modeling & (2) Solar Induced Fluorescence Research >>
Boston, MA Open until filled Boston University