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Jointly Estimating the Surface Carbon Fluxes and CO2 Based on the LETKF-Carbon Data Assimilation System Using Surface and Satellite Observations

Zhiqiang Liu,  Institute of Atmospheric Physics, (Presenter)
Ning Zeng,  University of Maryland,

Accurate quantification of the sources and sinks of atmospheric CO2 is crucial for understanding the global carbon cycle. In this study, we followed the work of Liu, 2019, and improved the LETKF-Carbon data assimilation system that can assimilate multi-sources real-world observations include the surface GLOBALVIEW-CO2 observations and two carbon satellites, OCO-2 and GOSAT. We conduct several experiments using the different combinations of observations. The different experiments showed great consistency and the main difference came from the tropical land region. The experiment assimilating only the surface observations are more resemble the prior in the tropical. Further, we compared our results with CarbonTracker-2019, CAMS, and Jena, and evaluating by using aircraft observations.

Poster: Poster_Liu__37_25.pdf 

Presentation Type: Poster

Session: 4.2b Flux estimates and atmospheric inversions from space-based GHG measurements

Session Date: Thursday (6/17) 10:00 AM

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