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Continuity of dynamic satellite-derived seascapes across Aqua-MODIS, VIIRS, and OLCI

Maria T Kavanaugh,  Oregon State University, (Presenter)
Enrique Montes,  University of South Florida,
Frank Muller-Karger,  University of South Florida,
Daniel Otis,  University of South Florida,
Joaquin Trinanes,  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
John Woodill,  Oregon State University,

Satellite derived seascapes provide a means of scaling observations and interactions to larger spatial extents, linking in situ patterns to global Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV). MODIS-Aqua derived variables such as SST, chlorophyll, CDOM , and normalized fluorescent line height, are integral in understanding biophysical interactions in pelagic habitats, and thus the spatial and temporal variation in ecosystem and seascape boundaries. We test assumptions regarding the continuity of satellite derived seascapes between satellite missions, using MODIS products vs VIIRS plus OLCI-based inputs during a period of sensor overlap, 2017-2022. The dominant location of seascapes from MODIS versus VIIRS+OLCI has strong overlap at seasonal scales and there is agreement in different ocean basins. In some areas we find seascape identity mismatches likely associated with the sensitivity of the different ocean color sensors. The degree of mismatch changes following 2020, coincident with the decline in MODIS quality. Next steps will involve sensitivity analyses of different ocean color inputs within specific regions to determine offsets. Ongoing analysis at the local scale will determine the utility of VIIRS-OLCI -based seascapes for analyses species habitat relationships. The results are useful to many operational and research programs, including the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network.

Associated Project(s): 

Poster Location ID: 2-14

Presentation Type: Poster

Session: Poster Session 2

Session Date: Wed (May 10) 5:15-7:15 PM

CCE Program: OBB

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