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Albedo error propagation into XCO2 in the near infrared

Susan S. Kulawik,  BAER Institute, (Presenter)
James L. McDuffie,  Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
Christopher W. O'Dell,  Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University,
Annmarie Eldering,  Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,

This work explores the best representation of albedo in the near infrared. We use the Reusable FRamework for Atmospheric Composition (ReFRACtor) version of the OCO-2 radiative transfer to generate synthetic radiances to test the retrieval of radiances generated from the ECOSTRESS spectral library. We use the MUlti-SpEctra, MUltiSpEcies, Multi-SEnsors (MUSES) retrieval system, previously utilized in the visible, thermal, and UV spectral regions, e.g. AIRS, OMI, CrIS, and TES instruments. We find that albedo has more than 12 degrees of freedom, that current quadratic albedo aliases error into XCO2, PSUR, and other parameters, type (Lambertian versus BRDF) results in ~0.3 ppm error, and that rock and soil types in ECOSTRESS have more structure than the current quadratic parameterization, resulting in ~1.8 ppm XCO2 errors. We test a 30-parameter albedo parameterization on synthetic and actual OCO-2 radiances.

Poster: Poster_Kulawik__122_25.pdf 

Presentation Type: Poster

Session: 2.5c Uncertainty quantification and bias correction techniques

Session Date: Tuesday (6/15) 12:00 PM

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